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This article, Liam O'Grady, is property of Billy cougar.

Liam O'Grady
Liam Jay O'Grady
Biographical information
Real name Liam Jay O'Grady
Also known as Liam, Jay, Grady, beer seller, kid, stupid racist cocksucka
Nationality British-American flag British-American (with mick descent)
Born 24th of May, 1990/10 BH
Age 34
Status Alive, sadly
Birthplace New Bordeaux, Louisiana, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Anglo-Saxon-American
Height 5'11
Weight 65 kg
Blood type B+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Tony Montana, Montana Gang, The Horrible Mob (forced)
Enemies Minorities, poor people, Abigail Peppercorn
Occupation(s) O'Grady's Liquor Shop/Store owner and manager
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy
Voiced by (English) ?
"I dun know about that one, cheese-dik."
— Jay acting mean

Liam Jay O'Grady is a minor character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Liam was born to an American father and British mother and he came to Miami from New Bordeaux, Louisiana and he set up a liquor shop in Downtown after partying hard one night and finding out a lot of people like drugs and alcohol. He has Irish ancestors, which includes Sheriff Paul O'Grady and Katie O'Grady.


Liam can always be found managing his liquor shop during days and nights. Tony Montana, like with all other front managers, can sell drugs to Jay in exchange for cash. During the mission in which Montana takes over the liquor shop, Tony learns that the shop is about to be destroyed by a bunch of liberals and minorities who were after Jay's racist views. Tony wipes out the hitmen before all of the alcohol gets destroyed.

After Montana gang's decline, Liam was forced by Semyon-Timur Alekseyevich Krokov to work for The Horrible Mob and fight against Abigail Peppercorn and her movement, much to his dismay as he just wanted to be left tf alone.


  • Liam is the descendant (great grandson to be exact) of Katie O'Grady.
  • Liam wears a German-flagged attire, possibly making him a Nazi.