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This article, Levine Credits, is property of Charles M. Griffon.

Levine Credits
Levine Credits
Leader(s) Charles Levine
Appears in The Simps (mentioned), none yet
Country NYC, New York, United States of America
Type Financial group, loan and credits company
Active 1979/21 BH-today
Motto "At Levine Credits, we won't take your money until you ask us to."-Charles himself

The Levine Credits is a credit and loan company based in New York City, NY, and has been operating since 1979 or 21 BH, when it was created by Charles Levine.


The Levine Credits were established in New York by a businessman named Charles Levine, who was the son of a known mafia loanshark, Bruno Levine. He established the company's headquarters in New York City, where there was a large Jewish population. Charles went on to establish three other branches of the Credits, one of which was based in Germany. The company's goal was typical Jewish tradition: make money through credit and loan-sharking plus handling, but the company was also a known crime syndicate with several sinister dealings going on from the inside and outside, thanks to Bruno's ties to the three old mafia families of NY. Charles had to keep his wits about him in order to stop the company's secrets from getting out. Katherine Silverstein was the regional manager of the Berlin branch of the Levine Credits, but Charlie never cared much for her as she was a firm supporter of the Palestine, while Charles preferred his homeland of Israel and was not below being a Zionist. On July 31, 24 AH, after the death of Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, which Charles celebrated, Katherine decided to quit her job and she was replaced as regional manager by Beverly Frederick. Beverly had already been working at Levine Credits as a the chief accountant, but Levine reckoned that she was just the woman who was worthy for the promotion. Unlike her predecessor, Beverly had no issue with supporting Israel and Charles saw no issues as well with her corrupted business attitude. Beverly was allowed to happily accept large cash bribes to force the lower class citizens of NYC and Berlin in Germany into taking their loans. Today on 1st of August, the company was robbed by criminal elements working for the Mishima Corporation. Unbeknownst to the Credits was that there was a rat in the group (the company's janitor, William Hollister) who had been secretly moonlighting as a spy for the Mishimas for months. The robbery turned out to be successful and Hollister quit working for it a day before the robbery and fled to London, England, where the Mishima Corp. had one of its branches. The robbery caused the Credits to lose a lot of revenue and Charles order the Berlin branch to be closed for a while in order to recover some money. Interestingly, but not too surprising, he found it odd that the robbery happened the next day he allowed for Beverly Frederick's crooked practices to fly in his business.

Nevertheless Charles continues to run successfully in the company's hometown of NYC, taking after his father's footsteps. Charles also has a son, named David Levine, who he is grooming on succeeding him in the company, once he retires. David is currently being tutored under the wing of Cruella de Ville in Australia.

It has also recently been exposed that Charles is planning on trying out his hand on some AI technology, by partnering up with Elon Musk. Levine would love to have himself some loyal robots who would serve out all of their purpose to him.

Known Employees[]

  • Charles Levine - Current and first CEO and founder
  • Katherine Silverstein - German branch's Regional Manager (quit yesterday)
  • Beverly Frederick - New R. Manager (started with said position yesterday)
  • Lazarus Midnight - Loan-collector
  • Nigel Harrison - Loan-collector
  • George Mason - Levine's butler
  • William Hollister - Janitor (quit two days ago)