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This article, Leo Grossi Regime, is property of Billy cougar.

Leo Grossi Regime
Leo Grossi
Leader(s) Leo Grossi
Appears in The Godfather Game
Country New Town and Old Town, France City, France, Europe
Active 2008-2010
Motto "Screw the Corleones!"-Leo Grossi

The Leo Grossi Regime was a group operating with the Stracci Family that were based in Old Town and New Town, founded by Capo Leo Grossi in the 2008's, and they were eliminated sometime before the death of Virgil Sollozzo.


New Town Capo Leo Grossi led an explosives factory organisation from Old Town, making a profit off of selling grenades in the streets of France City. Grossi hired a worker and a spy Plinto Ottaviano and The Croc Stracci, and his crew were vital to the distribution of explosives. 

In 2010, during the rivalry between the Corleone Family and Stracci Family, Leo Grossi was assassinated by Charlie Trapani, and Plinto Ottaviano was burned to death, a year later Croc was forced to sell explosive factory to Corleones.

Known members[]
