This article, Latveria, is property of KGBSpetsnaz. |
Latveria is a fictional country in Eastern Europe, located in between Serbia and Roumania, and bordered by Hungary to the north. Its population is comprised entirely of mobsters, corrupt politicians, media moguls, and corporate executives, amoral attorneys, and dark judges, as well as cops and spies on the aforementioned peoples’ payrolls. Its capital is Theftstadt. Its form of government is a kleptocracy. Its national anthem is an instrumental called Long Live Latveria! Their Official language is called Latverian, which is a Slavic language. Its currency is stolen money. The raccoons from Happy Tree Friends named Lifty and Shifty are both from Latveria.
It is quite similar to Texas's Thief's Town, although no media moguls, judges, attorneys or corporate executives live there, only the highly corrupt mayor Marshall Deep One.