This article, Kristin Ward, is property of KGBSpetsnaz. |

Kristin Ward (born December 27, 1995) is a young female biker who is the younger cousin of Chris Jennings, a new biker whom Angus Martin recruited to become a member of the Lost MC. She seeks to be the replacement of Ashley Butler. As of right now, it is unknown whether KGBSpetsnaz will make her appear in an actual Grand Theft Auto game or not. However, she, just like her older cousin, is mostly just a fan-fictional character. Chris and Kristin both plan on bringing back the Lost MC, with the help of Angus and a few other bikers that are still alive.
Kristin, and Chris, have become big fans of Christina “Tina” Thyme, whom they met during one of Tina’s time traveling trips. They’d even let Tina join the new Lost MC if she asked.