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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, King Baal, is property of Freddie Nobile.

Nickname(s) Bally, Balls, Ba'al, Bael, Ball, King Ball, Lord Ball, The King, Three-headed Demon, the Crown, Cat and Toad daemon, Wise demon, Master, Principal King of Hell, Ash god
Appears in Nichten
Rank King of Hell
Affiliations His worshippers, his demonic legions, Lord Satan, Phoenicians, King Hadad
Status Eternal, immortal
Birth Billions upon millions of years ago
Death None
Weapon None
"The book of Revelations! The end foretell! Our father sells us Heaven while the Damned fly to Hell!"
— A demon of Baal makes God's hypocrisy known

The great King Baal, also spelled as 'Bael', is one of the seven, SEVEN! Princes of the Underworld aka the Never Never Land IRL and on this Wiki. Although he serves Satan IRL, not that fuaking excuse of a God Shinnok.


Baal has 66 legions of demons under his rule and the old testament, as fake as it is, and as poor as it is, acknowledges him as the primary pagan idol of the Phoenicians, often associated with the heathen goddess Astaroth which has nothing to do with a character here with the same name nor does it have anything to do with another King of Hell with the same name. Baal's name is special, it is a name of a Northwest Semitic word and the title means "Master" (as in Master of Puppets) or "Lord", which is used for various gods, but that would make his name literally King Lord or King Master, he seems to be that badass. King Hadad, his bro, was one of the patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu and an adversary to King Solomon, although under god's orders for a while. Nevertheless, Baal and Hadad aren't the same people and Baal ain't no "false god", in fact he ain't god at all, but if he were - he wouldn't be false. At his fullest power, he commands 250 legions of lesser demons.

Baal is the principal King of the Netherrealm, ruling over the East, not the West. He has 66 legions of demons under his command. He is one of the idols of the Never Land.

During the English Puritan period, Baal was either compared to Satan or considered his main assistant, but both are false. According to Francis Barrett, he has the power to make those who invoke him invisible and to some other demonologists his power is stronger in October, but any of that has yet to happen in reality, at least to me. According to some sources, he can make people wise, speaks hoarsely, can spread worst heresy and carries ashes in his pocket when in human form. He also apparently made John Scatman the Invisible Man.

His actual form is that of a spider body and a head of a man, cat and toad on it. Spooky, eh?

War on Heavens[]

Baal, like most demons, was once an angel of the Heavens, but he was cast down into the Never Land for sticking with Lucifer against god at the beginning. He became a Prince in Hell. Later, he was amongst the Order of High Fallen Angels that joined Lucifer against his war on the Heavens and god. When the Dark Forces won and merged Heavens into Hell, Baal was awarded his King status. He was also the one that killed archangle Raphael, although some sources and sorcerers say it was another demon.


  • If one uses their imagination correctly they can see that Baal resembled Pope Benedict XVI just a little.
    • Because of that, certain conspiracy nuts say that Benedict XVI is actually King Baal in disguise and another "false" prophet.
  • He is mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon.

