Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Kahn Family Tree, is property of Billy cougar.

"We can ALL be a family. A big happy family! (Maniacal laugh, like Dracula from The Batman vs. Dracula style)"
— Sindel

The Kahn Family is a royal family from Outworld. The former head of the family; Shao Kahn was trying to take over the whole universe, but he failed and got killed by Azazel. His brother Kotal Kahn, however was more powerful once and is the demigod son of Zaggot, thus a half-brother of Shao.

One member of the family lives on Earth and used to be the President of the United States of America.

Kahn family tree[]

Tree list

  • 1 Braan
  • + Unknown mortal wife
    • 2 Shao Kahn
    • Same mortal wife
    • + Zaggot
      • 3 Kotal Kahn
      • 4 Shao
      • + Sindel
        • 4 Kitana (adoptive daughter of Shao)
        • 4 Rain (adopted son)
        • 4 Mileena (created from the flesh labs)
        • 4 Skarlet (created from the flesh labs)
          • 5 Meat (shares Mileena's DNA, forgotten half-son of Shao)
          • 5 Barack Obama (Shao's descendant, shares his DNA)
      • 3 King Jerrod (ex-husband of Sindel and Kitana's real dad)
      • K'etz Kahn (uncle of Kotal, brother to the unknown mortal wife)

Tree list end

