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This article, Kahn Family, is property of Billy cougar.

What we know about it is: We know Shao Kahn had a wife and children until Sindel's passing. It was never mentioned that Sindel and Shao Kahn were divorced so we must assume that they were still married when she committed her sewerside and they were still married when she was resurrected. But it seems some don't realise Shao Kahn seems to truly care about his family, and love it. He is also infertile and has human descendants.

1 Sindel: Shao Kahn had conquered countless planets before he took on Edenia. He had no reason to take Sindel and take her daughter and as we see he loves his wife very much, for example, he spared Kitana and raised her even after Sindel was dead, despite alleged abuse he gave her, sexual and domestic. He also seemed to have mourned her death, given the large statue marking her grave and he ordered Quan Chi to return her to him. However, he knew Sindel was very resilient so he made Chi brainwash her into serving him blindly.

2 Rain: We all seem to think Rain is actually son of King Jerrod, but once Jerrod was killed he become Shao's son, right? Rain also called himself a "Prince of Edenia" in Mk: Armageddon, which means that Rain really was Jerrod's son, adopted by Shao. However he doesn't seem to be treated so good as other Kahn's children are, as we know Kahn killed Rain in Mk: Annihilation for failing a mission, more precisely: for failing to kill Kurtis Stryker and Kabal. However, it has recently been found out that Rain is actually the first son of Argus, the freaking Elder God of Edenia, and was never Jerrod's to begin with, as he was actually thrown on the streets by Argus and was taken into adoption by an Edenian general. When said general was killed when Rain was just a toddler, Shao took him as his own son, like he did Kitana. Rain's ego arose and he wanted to take over Edenia when he found out he was actually Argus' son, however.

3 Kitana: First of all, instead of planning to replace Kitana, he claimed Mileena was her sister and raised them together. In addition, in one of Mileena's endings she blackmails her father by kidnapping Sindel and Kitana, showing that although he tries to hide it, he truly does love Kitana as his daughter. But when Kitana starts to turn against Shao and join Raiden's forces, Shao tries to have her killed. However, neither Kitana is Shao's true daughter, as we said before, Shao is sterile, so yeah.

4 Mileena: It is shown so far Shao Kahn and Mileena care greatly for each other. With him giving her a name "favourite daughter" and often calling her his true daughter. Mileena was a creation of Sektor's Flesh Laboratory, created by Shang Tsung and Sektor and was the only child of Kahn, minus Skarlet, who never turned against her father and the only one Shao truly cared about.

5 Skarlet: Both Skarlet and Mileena were created in Kitana's likeness, showing he does view Kitana as his child as he makes his other daughters similar. However similar to Rain, Kahn seems to don't like Skarlet that much, as he killed her in MK 9 official trailer and it is revealed in MK: Slaughtering that Skarlet will never succeed him as an heir and that she has too big an ego and he will get rid of her once she proves unreliable.

6 Meat: Although not officially related to the Kahns, some of Meat's DNA came from Mileena's when Shang was created him before the fleshy experiment escaped his labs. This would make Meat a cousin or a brother of Mileena, thus the brother of Skarlet as well and de-facto sibling of Rain and Kitana. Ironically, despite not being a member of the family, Meat managed to defeat Blaze and Shao in his non-canon ending in Armageddon, becoming the Emperor of Outworld himself, while no other kid of Shao did.

7 Barack Obama: Although it is unknown how one can put it, since Shao is sterile, Obama is somehow his biological descendant, which can only mean he was once experimented on with Shao's DNA. It is interesting to note that during the Cold War, Obama was sent to Alexander Faust's secret training camps in the Soviet Union, where he could be conducted on with Shao's DNA. Seeing no other explanation, this is likely the case.

8 Braan: Now Braan is an interesting take. He is Shao Kahn's father and was not a fear-striking conqueror that his son is. Instead, he was a peasant farmer who banged Shao's mom, his wife, before he would die and the God Zaggot would bang her. Shao is forever ashamed of his father's past. Because of this, Shinnok became Shao's adoptive father figure before the two went separate ways.

9 Kotal Kahn: Last, butt least, Ko'atal Kahn is the son of Shao's unnamed mum and Zaggot, thus making him a half-god. Despite this, Kotal is still weaker than Shao and while Shao was emperor of Outworld for ages, Kotal was only for around 20 years before his as got dethroned and Shao was back in action.

Now another interesting thing, Why is it never pointed out Jerrod is real father of Shao's children? Because Shao wants Sindel and Kitana to forget about their past as soon and much as possible, so he can have stronger sway over them.
