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This article, Jupiter Clan, is property of Demon Redwood.

Jupiter Clan
Jupiter freaks
A single regular Joe facing the entire clan.
Leader(s) Papa Jupiter (former), Big Brain
Appears in No games yet, probably in some future ones
Country Nevada deserts, Nevada, United States of America
Active Around 40's BH - 14 AH
Motto Unintelligible babbling and screeching

"Your people... In fact you people... You fuaking coksuckers! You bastard human leches, asked our families to leave the towns and then you destroyed our homes! We went hiding into the mines, the hills, the desert wastelands, away from the prying eyes of the Govt. and of the "sane" society! Nevertheless, you whores set off your bombs, and turned everything to ashes! You made us what we've become. Boom! Boom! Boom! AHAHAHAHAHA! Now we will tear you limb from limb and feast on your gore! Om nom nom nom!"
Big Brain explaining his family's origin and why he practices cannibalism

The Jupiter Clan is the name of a clan of deformed, radiated, cannibalistic hillbillies who used to live in the hills of Nevada, before most of them got exterminated by the American Army for being such a massive threat to the Nevadian populace. They are a result of a nuclear testing site where the radiating bombs and poison deformed their bodies and mentality, turning them into bitter, flesh-eating serial killers, bend on having their revenge society or humanity in general for turning them into these... things.


The Jupiter Clan, founded by some nasty feller known as Papa Jupiter, is the name of the inhabitants of small residential houses in Mojave and surrounding deserts in Nevada who apparently lived there for a long time, yet their roots can only be traced back to the 40's BH or 1960's. After the greedy US Govt. under the leadership of Richard Nixon and puppet mastery of Jacques Dixmor tested some nuclear bombs there to later drop on rivalling countries and probably even planets, the Jupiters were deformed after sipping in and inhaling the nuclear waste and their children were born deformed, mentally deficient or severely mutated. The mutated Jupiters soon crawled back into their lost towns when the testing stopped and they began to kill the normal inhabitants of the neighbouring villages and unwary travellers due to their never-ending biterness against society and humanity in general. Setting up a patriarchal clan under the probably most mutated, but also most intelligent mutant, Big Brain, they became depended on him and human meat and his system was based on their hunting prowess and he demanded them to kill virtually everyone they come across in the town or on the road and spare no survivors. BB was indeed very devoted in his twisted goal of ending all life in order to atone for his and his clan's mental disabilities and Chernobyl-like experience. Because of these actions, the area quickly became known as a region filled with dead bodies and bones of vanished people. The place was so scary even, that the local law all escaped and no one dared to take the job of a sheriff. Jupiters basically ran the place and stashed the cars of their victims in the craters left by the atomic and nuclear bombs. When the word got up to the northern states, the President (at the time Barack Obama) ordered a couple of state-issued bounty hunters to take the Jupiter clan down and bring him Big Brain's... brains in his head, I reckon. The bounty hunting group is lead by Moses Johns and he manages to track down Jupiter clan's very own village hideout. The Jupiters made their move soon after, lead by a freak called Larry Jupiter, attacking and burning a bounty hunter named Ryan Carter alive while assaulting the rest of the hunters in their bounty hunting van. Their killing of Bob, Patrick and the rest of the bounty hunters by blowing up their van lead the Mary Sue Moses set out to find the Jupiters' home and kill them all, except BB. In the process of his assignment, he killed Larry, his three brothers and his two henchmen, Hands and Bobby, like nothing. After encountering the Big Brain, Brian Jupiter himself, he explained to him his side of the story before sending a mutant named Virgin after him, who was possibly his nephew. Despite being wounded by him, Moses managed to defeat and subdue Virgin and then call the state army, while BB shouted profanities at him and cursed the American government while also calling Obama the n-word. A short while after, Big Brain was arrested and the entire location was attacked by the American Army who intended to purge the region of the Jupiter clan completely. Most of the Jupiter people were killed, including the kids, but a member escaped and survived. Realising his entire family was killed or lost and with BB in jail, the remaining Jupiter chopped his own head off and the Army searched the entire desert area of Nevada to make sure the last remnant of the Jupiters was gone... forever. It appears that they have been successful in their mission as other than Big Brain, no other Jupiter is known to exist to this day.

Known members[]

  • Papa Jupiter - First leader
  • Big Brain - Last leader
  • Larry Jupiter
  • Cletus
  • Bobby
  • Hands
  • Virgin
  • Scat
  • Jessie
  • Pie
  • Cheeks
  • Gord
  • Many more unnamed mutants, all dead


  • Despite their bloodthirsty and horrific history, the Jupiters were not all evil by default; Scat claims he only does what he does under Big Brain's magnificent orders, while Cletus is clearly too mentally defective to judge right from wrong, similarly to a lot of other members. Big Brain himself is known only to be such a dik because of his family's past, as they were unintentional (or maybe intentional) victims of a nuclear and atomic test bombing and that made him wrathful towards society, although that doesn't excuse any of his actions, nor the actions of the rest of his family.
    • Papa Jupiter was known to have been evil by default and loved to beat his kids and wife around.
  • The cars the clan is known to steal and have stashed up near their trailers and their craters include: Redneck Wagons, Mullets, Chevrolet Step Vans, Bandit STDs, Bulldozers, Trashmasters (or just regular garbage trucks), Mystery Machines, Flatbed Trucks, Fords and of course, Jupiters.

