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This article, Jugen Hotel, is property of Billy cougar.

Jugen Hotel
Jugen Hotel
Sims 2
Don Lathario, Dina & Nina Caliente and Bloody Tom Kang
Pleasantview, Australia
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Console Codename (PC)
The Jugen House
Singleplayer Map
In Peasantview

The Jugen Hotel is a small hotel found in The Sims 2 in Pleasantview, Australia. It consists of the twin sisters Dina and Nina Caliente, their romantic interest Don Lathario, and his father of sorts, Bloody Tom. A lot of people can visit this hotel anytime and get a room if there still are any. They may also live there for a couple of months.

The hotel is located near the Aussie City which is outside of Pleasantview, and traffic, spaceship flights, ambulance and police sirens can always be heard at this hotel, making it uncomfortable to sleep at night. It consists of a small hall with a computer desk, a large kitchen, living room and dining room are the same room with a jukebox, a fireplace and a TV. It has a rather larger bathroom and two large bedrooms with five and four beds each along with a boxing bag, a comic vendor and a pinball machine. In the yard stands an old telescope, a patio and a small bird fountain.

It costs around 93,000 Australian dollars to buy this entire hotel.

The former wanna-be owner of this Hotel, Bloody Tom, died here about two years ago when he got his old s burned with a barbeque grill. Legend says that his ghost still haunts this hotel.

Known owners[]

  • Owner: Unknown
  • Residents: Don Lathario, Nina & Dina Caliente, Daphne Blake, some random people who decide to stay there
  • Known people who desire to control it: Lathario


  • Its name is a rip-off of the German word "Jugendherberge" which means "youth hostel".