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This article, Juan-Giuseppe Hernandez, is property of Billy cougar.

Juan-Giuseppe Hernandez
Juan Hernandez
Biographical information
Real name Juan-Giuseppe Sanchez Hernandez
Also known as Juan, Giuseppe, Sanchez, Jan, kid, Stracci enforcer
Nationality Colombian-Italian flag Italian-Colombian
Born 19th of April, 1989
Age 31
Status Alive
Birthplace Rome, Italy, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Latin-Italian
Height 5'11
Weight 70kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci Family
Enemies Rival families and gangs
Occupation(s) Stracci security guard, mobster
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather: Control of France City
Voiced by (English) Joe Paulino

Juan-Giuseppe Hernandez is the Soldier of the Stracci Family, former security guard. He has been working for the Straccis for over 14 years.


Juan is the son of Antonio Hernandez, and he rose through the family's ranks in a series of defending and saving other Stracci mobsters. Hernandez became a key member of the family's weed distribution racket, allying with the Cuneo Family and making formidable drug deals with them. In 2010, Hernandez was responsible for several assassinations on the Corleone Family's mobsters. However, he was never found out and still lives and works for Straccis.

Like Osvaldo Ramozzi, he is Italian-Colombian.

Today he is a Stracci Soldier and one of their most loyal men. He had since slayed many of the organisation's rivals.

Juan-Giuseppe Hernandez

Juan with his bulletproof west.
