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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Joseph Teasel, is property of Billy cougar.

Joseph Teasel
Biographical information
Real name Joseph "Joe" Timothy Teasel
Also known as Fat cop, North Town police chief, MPD's fattest, Officer Teasel, Officer Joe
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 16th of June, 1971
Age 51
Status Alive
Birthplace Gainesville, Florida, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-American
Height 5'10
Weight 102kg
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) MPD, MPD S.W.A.T, MPD DEA, Gaspar's Gang
Enemies Tony Montana
Occupation(s) Police chief
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy (1 and 2)

Joseph Teasel is a minor character featured in Scarface: Twiy 1 and 2.


Teasel was born to an all-American family in Gainesville, Florida. He became a police officer and later chief of police, but was corrupted and took bribes from Gaspar's Gang for which he was put on trial in 2006. He was later cleared on charges of corruption after many witnesses disappeared and was allowed to continue his job as a police chief.


Joe can only be found driving around Miami towns with a Brahma, and if the player steals his vehicle, he will give Tone Montana a chase and try to kill/arrest him. It was also rumoured that he was the chief of police in North Town, and revealed that that's true. He also appeared as one of the cops who gave Tony a chase to the Industrial Zone when Tone was tasked by David Paredes to throw the corrupt cops out of his doughnut shop.


  • Teasel and Daniel Pritchet are the most obese MPD members in the police officer category.