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This article, Jose Hernandez, is property of Billy cougar.

Jose Hernandez
Josey Hernandez
Biographical information
Real name Jose Pedro Hernandez
Also known as The Ripper, Jose, Josey, Sarge, Pvt, Ripper, kicker, sadist
Nationality 800px-Flag of Mexico svgSpanish flag Mexican-Spanish
Born 25th of April, 1836
Died 16th of January, 1893
Age 57
Status Deceased
Birthplace Veracruz, Mexico, North America
Physical description
Eye colour White
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Latino
Height 5'4"
Weight 74kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Mexican Army, General Diego, Colonel Daren
Enemies Red Harlow, American Army, Cornet Brothers
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver
Voiced by (English) Unknown

Sergeant (formerly Private) Jose "Ripper" Hernandez was a Mexican army soldier, who served from 1861 to his retirement in 1890. He is a minor villain in Red Dead Revolver and an ancestor of Lucas Hernandez.


Sergeant Hernandez was a soldier serving in Javier Diego's Army. He is said to have been a very sadistic individual, who enjoyed using his razor tipped army boots to kick enemies.


Josey Hernandez is encountered during several missions. His first appearance is in "The Bridge", where he is be one of the soldiers assisting Diego in holding off the American cavalry at the bridge. During the battle, Jose survived. He is also seen at the mountains before The Diablo Mine where he and other soldiers are patrolling the entrance to the mine. He is next seen in the mine itself, where he and the rest of the guards attempt to stop Red Harlow from escaping but fail. He appears again during the battle at Diego's Fort, and a final time on board his general's armoured train, where he is knocked out by Red. It is unknown what happened to Jose after the disbandment of Diego's Mexican army as he didn't serve under Ignacio Sanchez.


Ripper was killed by Kirk Cornet on January, 1893, at the Griffon's Mansion. He was planning on killing the Cornet Brothers all alone after losing a game of Blackjack at the Brimstone Saloon, with over a hundred of boxes of dynamite. He failed however, as he was seen by Jermone Cornet, who tried to shoot him in the head with a rifle but failed and instead Kirk rushed with a knife at the Ripper and killed him, butcherin' him. Those hundred boxes of dynamite were then taken by the Cornets, and became their property.


