Johnathan "Buddy" Callahan is a character in Queen City Underground, who also appears in Tales from Queen City: The Ballad of Sean Killian. He was voiced by Jack McCauley.
Callahan was born in 1970 in Ireland, possibly in Belfast or Dublin and during his youth, he witnessed his older brother's murder at the hands of British Soldiers. As he grew older, he became involved with the Provisional IRA during the Troubles and became an expert bomb maker, taking part in several terrorist attacks during the 1990's. Eventually, he immigrated to the United States illegally and would remain there for the rest of his life.
Events of Queen City Underground[]
Callahan plays a very small role in Queen City Underground, only appearing in one mission. We are first introduced to Callahan in the mission "Bombs Away" when Aiden McCreary and Callahan are tasked with killing Hanz Alfred. Callahan rides with McCreary to the restaurant where Hanz is and Callahan plants a bomb under his car, the men then follow Hanz onto the bridge where they detonate the bomb which causes Alfred to swerve off the bridge into the river below. After we return Callahan to his house, he becomes a contact for explosives for the rest of the game.
Events of The Ballad of Sean Killian[]
By 2007, Callahan is still working as a bomb maker for every single criminal faction in the city, who wasn't killed off, including the city's Triads and Andolinetti Mob, but this time, he is working closely with the O'Leary Clan, an Irish crime family in the Flannigan district of the city. Callahan's role is much larger in this game, as he is the best friend of protagonist, Sean Killian, as the two knew each other back in Ireland and also fought in the IRA together. Callahan accompanies Killian on several missions with the aim to discover the cause of death of an old friend named Quinn O'Leary, who also fought with them back in Ireland whom they suspect was murdered by the Russian Mob. Throughout the story and can even be contacted to hangout and do activities such as getting drunk, robbing stores, taking out rival gangsters, who work for the Russian Mob and Furino Family, since Callahan serves the Gambinuchi Family as their associate, and playing pool to name a few. Callahan also serves as a means of getting bombs as he did in Queen City Underground. In the final mission, "An Irish Lament", towards the end of the game, Callahan runs to the O'Leary house where Killian and other members of the family are warning that the Russians are planning to attack them soon in a drive-by, as he says this, a black SUV with Russian goons in it, sent by their boss, Yuri Shelnov drives by and the men begin shooting at the men. Callahan is shot several times in the gunfight and tries to crawl into the O'Leary's house, but is shot on the sidewalk by the men before they drive away, Callahan's death ends the first part of an Irish Lament and several in game days pass before part 2 of the mission is unlocked as Yuri Shelnov has been located and Killian, with the help of the O'Leary brothers and Yuri's rebellious nephew, Dimitri Shelnov, hunts him down and kills him in his mansion, along with the five dozens of his bodyguards, avenging Quinn O'Leary's death and ending the O'Leary's debt to the Russian mob, as well as destroying the Russian mob itself, as Dimitri eventually leaves the the city and flies to his family home in St. Petersburg and retires from the crime life for good.
QCPD Police Record[]
- 2000 - Possession of explosives
- 2003 - Possession of Marijuana
- 2004 - Possession of explosives
- 2006 - Assault
- In the beta version of The Ballad of Sean Killian, Callahan was originally intended to survive the events of the game, with Jeremy O'Connell being killed instead.