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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Joe Martin, is property of Semyon Timur Alekseyevich Krokov.

"And I thought I was a loser! But this guy... Oh man."
— Joe Martin
Joe Martin
Jo Marten
Biographical information
Also known as Joe, Mr. Martin, Mart, Joey, Dad
Status Alive
Physical description
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Zeke Huntington (former), Amanda Kopke (gf)
Enemies Everyone in general
Occupation(s) Deadbeat
Notable family members Wade Martin (older sun), Christy Martin (younger daughter), unnamed wife
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully

Joe Martin is a minor or cameo character in Bully and the father of the incestuous Wade Martin and Christy Martin.


He's a rather fat guy with brownish blond hair or strawberry brown and he wears a white Peter Griffen shirt with rolled down sleeves. He wears grey slacks or working pants and brown shoes. Although he owns no job atm.

Personality & traits[]

Joe Martin's main personality trait is his bitterness and anger, which he shares with his abused son, Wade. He claims he hates life, that life is overrated, that humanity is cringe and considers himself a jerk. He used to own a seafood restaurant in Old Bullworth Vale, but claims that he had to sell it over due to severe financial troubles, and used to be hopping from job to job, until he decided to just live off of welfare and food stamps.

According to his ramblings, he used to work delivering furniture from house to house with a blue Huntington van, implying he used to work for Zeke Huntington. According to Huntington, Joe's mother is a widow and had four kids, which would mean Martin has 3 other siblings, but they're not seen in the game. It's possible they stayed behind in New Jersey.

Joe Martin also warns the youth not to end up like him. He also tells that to his two own kids. Despite his apparent lack of prosperity, he prefers to socialise with the wealthy citizens of Old Bullworth Vale rather than the blue collar workers or the hobos of New Coventry, but it is possible he does that because he's searching for a job or something.

He has a relationship with Amanda Kopke, for whom he got divorced for with his wife (Wade and Christy Martin's mum).
