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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Jeffrey Moore, is property of Cod1.

Jeffrey Moore
Biographical information
Also known as Jeff, Grand Dragon, Grand Dragon Jeff, Master Jeff, Masta' Moore
Nationality 1280px-Flag of the United States.svg American
Born 10th of May, 1980/20 BH
Age 30-34 (As of the events of School Cadets), 42 (now)
Status Alive
Birthplace Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Physical description
Eye colour Amberish brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity African-American
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 222 lbs (101 kg)
Blood type B+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Grand Dragon Martial Arts Dojo, Ronald McDonald, Himiko Toga
Enemies Spiritus Cornet, Pepe the Frog
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) School Cadets games
Voiced by (English) Afro Ninja

Jeffrey Moore is the instructor, and owner, of the Grand Dragon Martial Arts Dojo. The dojo is located in Sunrise Valley, Connecticut, and the dojo could be best described as a "mcdojo". He is a minor character in School Cadets.

Moore is an African-American "ninja", and originally from West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Moore prefers to go by the title of "Grand Dragon", is overweight, tall and claims to know the no-touch knockout that he learned from none other than George Dillman and even knows how to do the one-finger bush-up, learnt from Liu Kang or some sith. He also claims to be an 11th dan black belt, and that he earned this rank while he was training at a dojo in Japan. He is said to have registered his fists as ‘deadly weapons’ with the Sunrise Valley Police Department. A lot of the other local martial artists think that he isn't as good of a fighter as he claims, and is actually a coward and a braggart who in fact lives in his own fantasy word.

In his Dojo, individual development and personal expression is virtually non-existent. Instead, a strong conformist mentality is encouraged, since this inflexible mindset is what makes it easy for the "Grand Dragon" to rule the dojo. The dojo gets it's wooden and plastic dummy supplies imported from China and they are fake af, breaking after a month.


Spiritus Cornet[]

Main article: Spiritus Cornet

Spiritus Cornet sees Jeffrey Moore as being nothing more than a con artist and a big, fat coward. Cornet has asked Moore to spar with him a couple of times, and has even asked Moore if he can perform the no-touch knockout on him, but Moore always comes up with excuses for why he can't spar with or use the no-touch knockout on Mr. Cornet. He usually says that the move is too powerful for Cornet to handle.

Jacob Schmitt[]

Main article: Jacob Schmitt

After getting beaten up by some bullies, Schmitt decided to pay a visit to the Grand Dragon Martial Arts Dojo after seeing an ad for it online after watching some TNX Porn. Grand Dragon Moore didn't let Schmitt see a class before convincing him to sign up, and pay for a couple of classes at the cash register located in front of the entrance to the dojo before the classes even started. Schmitt keeps getting his butt kicked by bullies no matter what Moore tells him, and Moore keeps telling Schmitt that it is him that is wrong, not the style, and that he just needs to keep practising while Jeffrey gurgles down on some Big Macs provided to him by Ronald McDonald.

Ronald McDonald[]

Ronald McDonald, the clown mascot of the MicDonald's food chain, is a good friend of Moore, even if he just uses him to get money, since Jeff orders a lot of food from McDonald's and pays Ronnie personally. Ronald in actuality, doesn't give an ounce of crap about Moore, but just uses him as an ATM.

Himiko Toga[]

Main article: Himiko Kosaga Toga

Jeffrey met Himiko online once through Deviantart and they have become closest of friends ever since. This is mostly due to Jeff's huge crush on Himiko preventing him to think rationally or with his own head, so he just goes along with whatever edgy and crazy stuff Himiko tells him. Toga loves to act all tough and edgy around Jeff, saying what people she wants to kill and why, because she knows he'll protect her, if he even can, and will agree with her on whatever.
