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This article, Janez Bibibip, is property of Damon Redwood.

Janez Bibibip
Biographical information
Real name Janezslav Bibovnik Bibibip
Also known as Janez, Dr. Janez, Mister Doc, Doc Janezovec, Ježevec Janez, Mr. Doctor, Docta', Dock, Dawg, the sly Fox, The Fox, Foxy, The Wolf, Bibi, Beep-beep, trash, Pipe, Pippy, Bibson, Soon-to-be-Husband, Janko, Bibs
Nationality Slovenia! Slovenian
Born Unknown, 1919 (1952 correct timeline)
Age 70
Status Deceased
Birthplace Ljubljana, Slovenia, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (back then), Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown, black
Ethnicity Caucasian-Slavic
Height 5'5" (168 cm)
Weight 141 lbs (64 kg)
Blood type B-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Meta, Miss Margareta (sometimes), Kazar, Lamar (former), Sokolov (former)
Enemies Daniel Klemenčkov, Lamar's family, Miss Micov, Miss Bičkov, Miss Misov, Sokolov, Misses Winni, Lamar
Occupation(s) Lawyer, small-time crooked politician (allegedly), former dock worker
Notable family members Meta (gf), unnamed parents
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) None
Created by Ivan Tavčar
"I'm not selfish, nor do I sell fish, I'm smart! I eased up everyone's life! That gal Meta really should and ought have been my wife! I don't give a butt about Danny! Nobody likes him; not his brothers, not his gay partner, not his daddio! I bet his father wish he'd died in the army, yo!"
— Janez was clearly an inspiration for McCain's 2nd line in the ERB

Dr. Janezslav Bibovnik Bibibip is the main hero or protagonist from one of the most famous Slovenian films ever: Cvetje v Jeseni, or Flowering in Autumn from 1973. He is a lawyer from the nation's beautiful capital and later went on his own hunt for a girl named Meta, he was a lusty sly fox after all. Despite being the main hero of the film, no one really knows him. Meta is instead the only thing folks these days know or remember about concerning the film.


Janezslav was born a year after First World War ended in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to two peasant parents and was send off on his own at just the age of 11. He worked as a dock worker for a slimy dock boss of Germanic descent for a while when he moved to Ljubljana until he hit the school there, being quite a bright and eager student despite his poverty-riddled background.

Years went fast as wind for the aspiring lawyer and he actually finished his school with honours, but honestly, he didn't really know that lot, instead he sucked his teach's private parts and was a good sucker, so that's why he went so far up the ranks in school.

One day after just leaving a courtroom where he was a lawyer for some serial killin' paedophile, who he made avoid jail, Janez got a letter from his o' buddy Lamar to come live with him for a while at his farmhouse with his large family. "I have a large family! Very big!" said Lamar. Bibs accepted his proposal and went on a train to get to his farm in Jelovem Brd in Blegošem.

At the stinking farmhouse owned by that prig Lamar, Janez runs into a girl by the name of Meta, who happens to be single, just like Janez, our doctor hero. Despite Lamar, Winni and his fam being against the idea of the two being together, Bib sacked both of 'em plus Daniel Klemenčkov, Lamar's servant, and the family quickly agreed to Janez's terms, they didn't want to get another beating from The Fox at all. The next day our hero takes Meta out on some fresh air for a change and they go shopping at some honey stores, but there, he gets some more BS from Danny Klemenčkov and Miss Bičkov, who seemed to have followed them. After Danny insults him and accuses him of brainwashing Meta, Bibibip knocks his butt on the ground and pushes Bičkov out of the store. They both run away in fear and presumably cry at Lamar's feet at home. The next day, Janez, Meta and Lamar's family go to the Church (how unfortunate and disgusting) and listen to the preacher's rambling and after leaving it, Janez is still not left alone, this time Sokolov and Miss Misov want a piece of him for taking Meta. Funny enuff Sokolov was the Doc's close friend, but that didn't save him from the beating he received at his hands. Miss Misov got the same treatment. After dinner, Lamar and his family plus the Doc went out, climbing in the mountains onto Triglav. There, Miss Micov planned on taking The Wolf out. She tried to push him off the mountain only for the Doc to step aside and making her fall to her death. Janez, at that certain moment, has had just about enough! He threatened Lamar and the rest of his redneck family to leave him and Meta alone or he'll burn his entire farm down. Lamar got scared and obliged and the Doc could do anything the hell he wanted then.

The next day Meta and the Doctor went out to the woods, chasing each other, but that ended when the Doctor got lusty and perverted and managed to grab Meta by the boobs, hard! Meta got scared for a bit and ran away, to which Bibibip went sexist for a day. He went down to the local village, spreading misogynistic hatred and deemed all women enemy of God and claimed they'll all burn in Hell. Seriously, if Janez wanted to touch 'em tiddoes, he should've had used incognito, but I doubt that'll do Meta any good, she'd think she's been harassed by the Invisible Man or some crap. Bib then drank himself to sleep in the saloon.

The next day he arrived back on Lamar's property and said he needs to go back to Ljubljana, law duty awaits him after all. Meta asked Bibibip if she can go with him, but he declined her request, saying the city is too dangerous for the likes of her. He then went on a train, showed off both of his middle fingers to Lamar and his fam and went to Ljubljana.

In Ljubljana, his recent case was saving Kazar, another one of his old buddies, and his wife Miss Margareta from an accusation that they planned on assassinating the King Peter the I. The Wolf saved the pair and they were grateful and even invited Janez on a nice tea party that afternoon, Janezslav was more than happy to drink some tea with old buddies.

However, at the party, Janez and Margareta got into a heated argument concerning gay and women rights, as Bibibip claimed those minorities offended God and deserved to be extinct. Thanks to saying that evil sith, he was kicked out of the house and had to move back to his own, moulded house in Ljubljana.


He died of alcohol overdose in Ljubljana after he fall into Ljubljanica at the age of 70. His body was left there for 3 days before it was finally taken out, all soaked up and crap, so much so that his coffin was all plagued-up because of his corpse.


  • Meta was literally his titanium, fight song, raising up! Like a roar of victory in a stadium.
  • His beard and hair were black as night itself, giving off his evil, Christian aura.
  • Thanks to his low popularity and evil acts, these days nicknames concerning his last name are all that's even known! And he didn't come up with that sith on his own.
    • One could be reminded of Benjamin Netanyahu after hearing his last name.
  • His lawyering skills can be equalled to those of Tom Hagen and Juan El Tiger as he managed to save assassins and serial killers from jail.
  • He was rumoured to be some sort of politician serving Peter the I's enemies and was also a hater of Richard Kalergi.


Theme song[]

His song is quite the opposite of what one would expect. It's American Nu metal band Dope's song The Life as it sings 'bout a city, some trains, some porno stores and the life of a bum. Perfect words to describe everything Bibibip represents, hell, it even sounds like the song is being sang from his perspective.


Dope - The Life (with lyrics, Mr. Janez Bibibip's theme)
