Jacob Summers | |
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Biographical information | |
Real name | Jacob Summers |
Nationality | Romanian-Australian |
Born | 1974 |
Age | 58 (as of 2032) |
Status | Alive |
Birthplace | Atherton, Queensland, Australia |
Physical description | |
Eye colour | Brown |
Hair colour | Black (Greying) |
Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Height | 5'1" |
Weight | 118.8 lbs |
Blood type | A- |
Gender | Male |
Career, affiliations and family information | |
Affiliation(s) | Non-Human Activity Detection Agency |
Enemies | {{{enemies}}} |
Occupation(s) | Secretary at NHADA Deputy Director at NHADA |
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information | |
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) | The Followers of Lost Hope: Tome of Fate |
Jacob Summers is the former Secretary, and current Deputy Director of NHADA.
Jacob has a fade-style haircut, and an athletic build. He wears traditional NHADA attire, and after becoming the Deputy Director wears a white glove on his left hand.
Jacob is a strong-willed, impulsive, and passionate man. He suffers from cynophobia, and refuses to be in the same room as a dog. He is also a hopeless romantic, and has a terrible sense of humour.
Jacob was born in Atherton to Australian farmer, and waitress of Australian and Romanian decent. He was attacked by his neighbour's dog, and thus caused his fear of dogs during Barbecue on Australia Day.
He was inducted into NHADA as the Secretary to Susanna, and after her death he was promoted to Deputy Director.
- Indomitable Will - Jacob is strong-willed, and is able to resistance most torture.