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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Jack Fontana, is property of Billy cougar.

Jack Fontana
Biographical information
Real name Jackson Fontana Sr.
Also known as Jacky, Fontana, Jack, Jackie boy, Dad, Jack-s, Stracci freak
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 15th of November, 1980
Died 14th of September, 2011
Age 30
Status Deceased
Birthplace New York City, New York, United States of America
Cause of death/incarceration Headbutted to death by Charlie Trapani
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'2” (188 cm)
Weight 89 kg (196 lbs)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci Family
Enemies Corleone Family, Charles Trapani
Occupation(s) Stracci lawyer, mobster
Notable family members Jackson Fontana Jr. (son), Johnny Fontana (older brother)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Rod Gnapp
"I'll skin you and make a neck-tie from your hide!"
— Jack Fontana threatening Charlie

Jackson "Jack" Fontana was the Stracci family's lawyer and is a minor villain in The Godfather Game.


Jack Fontana was a violent man like the rest of Stracci family, who was known to have a vigilant army of bodyguards protecting him whenever he went out on the streets.

His position was leaked by a street informant to the Corleone family, who sent underboss Charlie Trapani to deal with Fontana.


"Jackson Fontana is the Stracci lawyer, always well protected, you're gonna have to do this one with your bare hands and your own head. Just walk casually, right past his men, then strangle the fak outta him and use a lead pipe to kill him, ok? Hit him very hard, that will crack his stupid skull open wide."
— Crazy Horse to Charlie

Trapani with help of police fought his way past the guards, who were defending Fontana at his hideout beneath the expressway, and he was hit with a headbutt to death on France's Day of 2011.

His legacy was known that he was an excellent lawyer hired by Donato Stracci.

Personality and traits[]

A dumb but violent man, Fontana was known to back up his bluster with vicious reprisals against enemies of the Family or those who had personally slighted him. Unlike the lawyers for most families, he was willing to go personally on hits.
