Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Ivan Alexander, is property of Demon Redwood.

Ivan Alexander
Biographical information
Real name Ivan Alexandrovich Alexander
Also known as Sleepy Ivan, Alex, Ivan, Sleepyhead, kid with sleeping broblems
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svgRussian flag American-Russian
Born July 3, 1991
Age 31
Status Alive
Birthplace New Mexico, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Slavic
Height 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight 125 lbs (62 kg)
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Smith's Worshippers
Enemies His sleep paralysis Demon
Occupation(s) School student, today unknown
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Cohlie Brocato

Ivan Alexander is a minor character in Bully who has chosen to follow Gary Smith.

Role in Game[]

Ivan can be seen during wrestling class at Dixmor Academy's Gym, watching the wrasslin' matches. He has no further individual role in the game, other than being one of Smith's lackies.

Personality and traits[]

Ivan appears to suffer from sleep disorders, claiming to have the ability to sleep while going about his daily business, with one of his eyes open, gripping his pillow tight! EXIT: LIGHT! ENTER: NACHT! Even his voice usually has a tired tone in it, doesn't it? His voice becomes noticeably higher in pitch when he's actually feeling awake. He aspires to be a cinematographer and get a French girlfriend and comments every now and then about being on medication for his "mood" by Alexandra McRae and possibly even Dr. Bambi. He also claims to have an abusive mother and that he is friends with Trevor Moore and they both like to admire Gary Smith to each other.

Ivan also claims to have leprosy, a chronic infection that can cause severe damage to one's skin, eyes and even other external organs. This considered in a making as it is highly improbable dat he actually has leprosy.

When jeering, he always says "stick a rubber hose up your nose." This is an inverted version of a catchphrase from the 1970's American television sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter, implying he is a fan of American soap opera.


  • He can be mistaken for Gordon Wakefield from a far.
  • His school grades aren't known.