Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Isabella Fernandez, is property of Cod1.

Isabella Fernandez
Biographical information
Also known as Bella, Mrs. Fernandez
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American

Puerto Rico flag Puerto Rican (nationality of birth country)

Born 4th of October
Died N/A
Age 45
Status Alive
Birthplace Peñuelas, Puerto Rico
Deathplace N/A
Cause of death/incarceration N/A
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Auburn
Ethnicity White Hispanic/Latino American
Height 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight 125 lbs (56.69 kg)
Blood type O-
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) TBA
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Registered Nurse
Notable family members Ethan Allen Fernandez (son), Julia Abigail Fernandez (daughter), Joseph Fernandez (husband)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Voiced by (English) TBA

Isabella Fernandez (née Ocasio) is an original character created by Cod1. She is a supporting character in Weapon Weilders, and the mother of Ethan Allen Fernandez, and Julia Abigail Fernandez. The new idea will not be a game like Call of Duty. She is from Peñuelas, a city in southern Puerto Rico.


Unlike the stereotypical Latina, Isabella is somewhat tall for a women (she is 5'6" or 168 cm), has light skin, auburn hair that goes down to mid back, and olive green eyes. She usually wears glasses, and has c-cup breasts. She looks young for her age.


  • Isabella is one of the characters in the story that is based off people the creator has met in real life.
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