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This article, Inventory Device, is property of Cod1.

Inventory device

The Inventory Device, often just called the inventory, is a device that allows the user to carry many objects in a small, light, electronic device. It was invented by a former Dixmor Scientist. In Weapon Wielders, this same scientist gives the device to Ethan, Justin, and Candace, for some reason, close to the beginning of the series/game, and acts as the games inventory. Maybe the former scientist wants to help them stop the Dixmor Project?

How it works[]

The device scans the object that the user wants to place in there inventory, breaks the object down into molecular pieces, and then sucks the pieces into the device where it is saved in a file. When a user wants something from the inventory, the user simply clicks on the saved item, and the device will reassemble the object wherever the user is pointing the device. The user can also delete an object, and the device will permanently destroy the object’s molecules. This device can possibly be used as a “silent weapon” by putting someone in your inventory, and then deleting them, or reassembling them over a cliff or hazard.
