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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Invader Zim, is property of Paul W. Barrel.

Invader Zim
Zim thinking
Biographical information
Real name Ziyak Argesh Zim
Also known as Invader Zim, Zimmy, Useless Zim, Little Alien Zim, Lil' Zim, Green Zim, Spy Zim
Nationality He is from Duro
Born Unknown, 1780/220 BH (Earth years)
Age 244
Status Grave Deceased
Birthplace Dib, Duro, Multiverse Federation
Physical description
Eye colour Pink
Hair colour None
Ethnicity Durian
Height 3'11"
Weight 50kg
Blood type Red
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Xizle, Zargo Zim (both former), his unnamed robot assistant
Enemies Humanity, Dib Membrane, Gaz Membrane, Sorel Empire, Amy Sorel, Rafael Sorel, Dr. Crygor, the Xenomorphs
Occupation(s) Alien invader, spy
Notable family members Lord Xizle (uncle), Zargo Zim (father), unnamed mother, unnamed siblings, Alex Zim (grandfather)
Goals Take over Duro or Earth (both failed), spy on US for his family and the Durian govt. (succeeded)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Possibly something Invader Zim-related, like Nicktoons Freeze Frame Frenzy
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) Invader Zim
Voiced by (English) Richard Horvitz
"Cowards! You are all cowards and y'all all die like ones!"
— Invader Zim taunting Crygor after being betrayed

Invader Zim is yet another galactic alien overlord who wishes to see the world either burnt to the ground or taken over, similar to his uncle, Lord Xizle or Shao Kahn. He is a Durian of a small variety who got disillusioned with Rafael Sorel's policies and wished to take over Earth in return, to rule a place he could be free to call "home". However, because of his incompetence, Xizle punished Zim by banishing him to Earth under a human disguise in order to spy on humanity. Xizle took matters into his own hands then and took over Duro years later while Zim is still on Earth.

Zim is fairly tendentious, argumentative, confrontational and unsympathetic towards others, though he occasionally shows some kindness towards certain characters. Nevertheless, he is prone to causing chaos and destruction for either himself, his own race, human race or Earth and can never control his temper. Because of these traits, he fell out of favour with more powerful alien figures, like the aforementioned overlords and figures like Queen Aurelia or Yoshimitsu.


Zim, full name Ziyak Argesh Zim, is a Durian from a known family on Duro and the nephew of the conqueror Lord Xizle. Since he was a teen, he dreamed of crushing the Sorel Empire that was running his planet and take it over. When he found out that taking over the entire planet of Duro would be too hard, he switched his ambitions to taking over the Earth. However, his father, Zargo Zim never had much faith in him. Even back then.

Fearing that the Sorels or their spies will found out of Zim's ambitions and criticising of the Sorel leadership, Zim was sent into exile by Xizle and was ordered to blend in with humans and spy on humanity, so that Duro may find out all of their weaknesses. During his travels around our sphere (or carpet) of a planet, Zim travelled and made it to the United States of America, where he was staying in a hotel in Washington, DC, as he decided to spy on the White House for a few. He was once spotted standing suspiciously near the said White House and a security guard walked up to him and asked him just what on Earth he was doing there all the time. When Zim replied, out of fear, that he was a spy working for Frank Kenson, the agent walked away and Zim was relived. He then spied from a bush on Kenson's office and bedroom and learned that Kenson had connections to something called "the Dixmor Project". Zim reported this back to Duro and his father complied. He kept Zim stationed there and told him to keep spying on the first American dictator.

After finding out that Kenson was actually Francesco Barzini from France, that the Project was lead by William Calvin Morgan and that the conquest of Earth was their goal, Zim is asked to step up his game and conquer the Earth first. His family and his planet was counting on him and they send some Xenomorphs, controlled by Dr. Crygor to aid him. Little does he know that his family actually had no faith in him. Not in taking planets over anyway. Crygor's only task was to get rid of him and have no intention of conquering the Earth. That was for Zim's extended family and their Xenomorph minions to do. Crygor arrived to Earth with the Aliens, but killing Zim was no easy task as Zim escaped his and the Xeno's clutches when he realised what Crygor's plan really was. The Xenomorphs were seen walking and running around by regular citizens and the US military was contacted to take care of a presuming threat.


Zim hides for a while in the tunnels and sewer areas of Washington, until two Xenomorphs, follow his stench under the sewer area and go down a canal to get him, with his death on their superior minds, his blood on their sharp teeth and his meat or flesh in their toxic stomachs. While the other Xenomorphs, lead by Crygor, are dealing with the American Army and probably The Kenson Force, Zim must be cautious if he wishes to live and hide another day.

However, after only around three minutes of search, the two Xenomorphs found Zim scavenging the sewers and attacked him, eating his flesh and killing him instantly. Zim luckily didn't suffer, but he died nonetheless. What remained of his body was then throw into the waters below and the rest of his remains were then devoured by the rats that inhabited the sewer. The rats died soon after from intoxication since the Alien's blood was highly toxic and poisonous.


  • Zim was remembered as a brash, idiotic and overconfident alien, who thought he could take over planets, that he could conquer worlds! That he could define the Vampire kingdom, made by Rafael Sorel! That he could fight the Elder Gods! How foolish! In a way, he was the unsuccessful version of Marvin the Martian, another space conqueror bent on controlling the Multiverse Federation.
  • Despite serving well as a spy for his family in Washington, he was killed regardless. It seems like that the Zim family relations are quite similar to the Mishima Family ones.
  • He is called 'Invader' in the sense that he invaded the Earth by posing as a human, but actually worked as a spy for Duro. He never had the powers to invade Earth in a literal or more serious sense, like conquering it.
  • He owned a green dog thingy costume for some reason and two human masks. One was legit while the other was just his alien face obscuring some of his more extraterrestrial facial details.

