Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Horace Mann, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission.

Horace Mann was a United States president (1820-1828) voted in after his predecessor's failure during the Gold War and remained in power until the end of the 1828 Gold War.


Born in Nebraska, United States, Universe-866. Unlike his Universe-00's counterpart; Horace grew up with ambitions to expand the United States.


Horace became the 6th President of the United States during the Gold War of 1828. He succeeded John Armstrong Jr. after he was ousted and impeached for treason, however, Horace lost the Gold War proving John right; they should've agreed to the terms laid by the Nation of WOLFHOUND.

Following the war; Horace would put his expansionist views into action by pressing claim of Northern Mexico and Southern Canada leading to the War for North Mexico and South Canada.
