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This article, Hell's Feet, is property of Demon Redwood.

Hell's Feet
Hell's Fit
No games atm
Sinners and enemies of Chernobog suffer here
Netherworld, Multiverse Federation
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Story mode
Console Codename (PC)
Hell's Circle of Feet
Singleplayer Map
Not yet
"You had quite the feet fetishes back when you were alive, eh?! So much so you preferred to fap to 'em online instead of to your wife's, who had small ones. Then perhaps, you'll enjoy this!"
King Satan when sending someone to Hell's Feet

Hell's Feet is one of the many torment locations in the Netherworld, whose purpose is to either destroy the victim's body and soul in a humiliating fashion, kill them eternally or rehabilitate them into serving as another footsoldier for Chernobog.


It is known that anyone can be destined to go to the Netherworld to be tormented in the deepest pits of Hell for disobeying the Dark God's will. One place is known for representing a pit where the most humiliating way of tormenting sinners exists: Hell's Feet.

According to the supreme ruler and dictator of Hell, Chernobog, the sinners and rebels of his will here are buried upside down, with their legs outwards, their feet on fire and their entire bodies soaking in never-ending, flowing lava, usually (if not always) with your consciousness still in tact. According to King Baal, this way of torment also serves as a fancy metaphor, regarding the suffering produced by earthly or worldly life, especially of those who liked hike taking and mountain-climbing. The suffering of Hell's Feet ends when your corrupted and decayed soul finally khreknes (croaks) and pops into dust after years of lava-swallowing. The time of how long that takes depends on the Netherworld government's opinion of you.

This type of torment usually applies to people who had very sick, twisted and bizarre fetishes, most commonly involving legs or feet.

Known people who suffer this way in the Netherworld are Wyllyum: Forger of Lesbians and Sniffer of Feet and Mandy Wiles, before she got moved to a different circle.
