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This article, Harmon Weinstein, is property of Billy cougar.

Harmon Weinstein
Nickname(s) The Jew guy, Bank manager
Appears in Red Dead Redemption part III, The New Life
Rank Bank manager
Affiliations Gold Town Bank
Status Deceased
Birth Unknown, 1835, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA
Death 11th of March, 1889, some place near Tanner's Reach, Tall Trees, West Virginia
Weapon None

Harmon Weinstein is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption part III, The New Life.


Harmon is the Jewish manager of the bank in Gold Town. He was born in 1835 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.


Harmon plays a minor role in the mission "Great Men are Not Always Wise", in which he is taken hostage by Dutch van der Linde and Hinto. After Dutch kills Muriel Scranton, Harmon is forced into Dutch's car. Unfortunately, the car crashes outside of Tanner's Reach and Harmon is killed in a car accident.
