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This article, Harlan Forbers, is property of Billy cougar.

Harlan Forbers
Nickname(s) The Miner, mining guy
Appears in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Redemption part I, American West and part IV, Undead Nightmare
Rank Miner, thief, treasure hunter
Affiliations Basset's Miners, Wade Basset, Guard Dig
Status Grave Deceased
Killed By Jack Marston, zombies, Leg Johnson (probably)
Height 5'8" (173 cm)
Build Little obese
Hair Blond
Eyes Blue
Race Caucasian-Aryan
Death 4th of August, 1893/107 BH (current timeline), 11 April, 1889/111 BH (first timeline), September, 1891/109 BH (second timeline)
Weapon Scots Revolver, Double-action Revolver, Dynamite, regular Revolver
Voice Actor ?
"Hold on there, just a minute! Wait, just a minute!"
— Harlan when reloading his gun

Harlan Forbers is a minor character and a bounty target featured in Red Dead Redemption, part I, American West, part IV, Undead Nightmare and Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.


Harlan is a treasure hunter and a miner. He works as a goon for Wade Basset and his dirty gang.



Jack Marston fights waves of Forbers' during the mission "Red Grass", where they are first encountered. In the following mission, "Silver's Night Town", Leg Johnson fights more Forbers along with other members of Basset's gang. Yup, this proves they're just another clone-type characters or people, who Queen Almeida couldn't give much toss about.

Showdown Mode[]

Harlan is unlocked as a playable character in Showdown Mode by either completing the level "Red Grass" on Bonus Mode or by purchasing the Napoleon Statue from the general store in Gold Town after completing "Silver's Night Town".

American West[]

Harlan is wanted for property destruction and can be captured or killed depending on the player's choice.

He can also be found playing five finger fillet in Silver Town or arm wrestling in Planeview. Otherwise, he can be found defending Basset's gang hideout of Gaptooth Reach.

Undead Nightmare[]

In Undead Nightmare, Harlan can be found defending Gaptooth Breach, where he is inside the mine. If Gaptooth is saved and Harlan survives, he will move to the shaft tower with Roscol Duffly. However, his death is canon in this part of the franchise in the first timeline when he walks outside of the Breach to look for some food, only to get attacked from behind by two zombies, a fresh undead and a spitter. He is bitten all over before he can even turn around.


  • "Get back, take cover!"
  • "Woah, run for cover!"
  • "Find cover!"
  • "Can't you see me, boy?"
  • "I'm over here, boy!"
  • "Yoohoo!"
  • "What are you, some sorta gunslinger?"
  • "Come on there bullets, load, mofos!"
  • "You want a little more?"
  • "I've got some more for you, kid! You shouldn't have messed with us!"
  • "Die, boy!"
  • "Boy, you gonna be sorry you woke up this morning!"
  • "Me? I always been good at stabbin'."
  • "What's your wager that you can beat me, boy?"
  • "God gave me the skill with knives!"
  • "You're looking for a dogfight, mr. Marston?"
  • "I'm gonna boil you, mister!"

Death (current timeline)[]

Harlan was killed in Silver Town by Jack Marston on 4th of August, 1893, by a stab to the back with a throwing knife. The reason for Jack killing him was due to Harlan having 8$ Jack wanted to have.


