This article, Hardcore Championship, is property of Damon Redwood. |

The prestigious title.
The Hardcore Championship is wrestling championship in WWE under the ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) roster/brand, which is contested under "hardcore" rules on ECW almost every the ECW GM decides (matches include for this title: Extreme Rules, Championship Scramble, Battle Royal, Armageddon Hell in a Cell, etc.). The first ever holder of this title was Mick Foley while the former one was Chicken Man (back before he was a zombie and on ECW), who defeated Ezekiel Jackson and Drew McIntyre for the title at Extreme Rules. The title was established on November 2, 2 BH.
The current champion is Drew McIntyre who defeated a puppet Johnny Bravo for the title at TLC in a pretty short and one-sided Extreme Rules match.
Known holders[]
- Johnny Brabo
- Jack Swagger
- William Regal
- Jake Roberts
- Mick Foley
- Mario
- Umaga
- Ezekiel Jackson
- Chicken Man
- Terrance Funk
Current holder[]
- Andrew McIntyre
- The current holder of this title, Drew McIntyre, is a member of the stable KMFDM, along with the Miz and both used to be buds with Ricky Steamboat.
- The design for this Championship is simply a broken-s title with WCW logo on it, golden bird thingies laying on it, with the audition of being covered in bandages (or stitches).
- Some horny edgelord would mistake the name of the title for something else... Something one would find on porn sites.