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Graham Allen (born February 22, 1978) is the athletics instructor at Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School. He coaches after school athletics and shares the same birthday as the 1st U.S. President, George Washington (known on this Wiki as Edward Morgan I). He is a member of the Republican Party and voted for Donald Trump/Frank Kenson in the 2016 presidential elections. He used to be in the military, is very muscular, has dark blond hair and blue eyes, and often wears patriotic shirts and sunglasses. He is also one of the very few teachers at the academy who has a lot of tattoos. His best friend is John Burk. Alongside John Burk, he sometimes teases Amanda Quincy for being overweight. He is also presumably from Bullworth, Texas.
He knows how to drive stick shifts, loves classic American cars, and currently owns a 1969 Tomahawk SS.