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This article, Goro Luntz, is property of Billy cougar.

Goro Luntz
Biographical information
Real name Gongoro "Goro" Luntz
Also known as Mr.Luntz, The Engineer, Luntz, Goro, Sanitation engineer, janitor, toilet cleaner, machine, Killer, dead Seidan fuak
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American (with Seidan ancestry)
Born 1st of December, 1961
Died 24th of February, 2020
Age 57
Status Deceased
Birthplace Victoria, Texas, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brownish red
Ethnicity Caucasian-ginger
Height 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight 161 lbs (73 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Dixmor Academy faculty
Enemies Justin Roberts Sr., Alphonse Burton, Deirdre Philips, Kim Jing Wei, most of the school's students and possibly other teachers
Occupation(s) Sanitation engineer, janitor, shopkeeper
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Sean Eden
"Remembah' boi, you will have a clean nose and dik! So keep it clean or I shall suck it MYSELF!"
— Luntz doing a mocking imitation of Dr. Roberts.

Gongoro "Goro" Luntz was Dixmor Academy's janitor, shopkeeper/cashier and sanitation engineer. He was presumed to secretly be a serial killer. He was killed by Kim Jing Wei on 24 February, 2020, after calling the cops during the massacre she executed on the Dixmor Academy.

Role in Game[]

Mr. Luntz manages the school's store for outfits n' stuff. He can also be seen wandering around campus in the mornings with his broom, cleaning the floor, especially in the basement.

During "Welcome to Bullworth", he may appear just outside the school gates, sweeping the floor or washing a car, presumably his or one that belongs to one of the school faculty. If Jimmy Hopkins watches him for too long, he will eventually feel kind of embarrassed walk off in the direction of Bullworth with his broom. He will return the next day, all high and drunk.

That is his entire role he plays in the story.


Gongoro Luntz managed to call the cops of Bullworth during Kim Jing Wei's rampage of the school at 10:43 AM. But just after calling the cowering boys in blue, Kim shot him 3 times in the head with her 45. Automatic Colt. He died head first into his desk at his store where he sold the school's merch around the hallway.

Personality and traits[]

Goro Luntz dislikes his jobs and his life a lot intensely, and can be heard muttering seemingly devious plots under his breath quietly against both the students and the other faculty members, particularly Justin Roberts Sr., Deirdre Philips and even Gary Smith. When Jimmy greets him he acts very surprised that a student isn't being rude to him and obnoxious, and he replies with: "Uhhhmmm...? Hello." in a nice way. He also mocks Dr. Roberts by telling Jimmy to keep "nose and dik clean". He also enjoys mocking Alphonse Burton and imitates him a lot on the campus. Certain false rumours also suggest he suffers from schizophrenia or perhaps even a more serious mental disease, however it is highly unlikely.

Aside from when he is managing the school's store, Luntz is rarely seen without his push-broom. He prefers using it to bludgeon students instead of busting them.


