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This article, Gordon Wakefield, is property of Billy cougar.

Gordon Wakefield
Gordon Wakefield
Biographical information
Real name Gordon B. Wakefield
Also known as Gordy, Gord, Gordo, Gorden, Wake-Field, Awaken Field, a corn field that is awake, Gary's right-hand
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American
Born November 10, 1990
Age 32
Status Alive
Birthplace Dallas , Texas, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Brown/reddish
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight 128 lbs (58 kg)
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Smith's Worshippers
Enemies Jimmy Hopkins, anyone that doesn't agree with him or his awful master
Occupation(s) School student (former), today unknown
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Your daddy
"Did you hear about Lance? jesus, he's like the biggest loser ever - he can't even read!"
— Gordon on Lance Jackson

Gordon B. Wakefield is a character in Bully and a member of the Smith's Worshippers at Dixmor Academy. He is actually Gary Smith's right-hand-man but serves no role in the story since Smith's followers are all a bunch of cobadres.

Role in Game[]

Despite working closely under Gary Smith, Gordon has no role in the storyline at any point in the game and neither do the rest of his slaves.

He can be seen during Halloween dressed up in a Jason Voorhees-style hockey mask, although he doesn't participate in any of the side-missions.


"Oh come on! I can throw a better punch with my hands behind my back! Is this a slapping contest? Come on, people!"
— Gordon when watching a weak fight
— Gordon when bumped into so hard that he falls on the ground, hard
"You're gonna pay for that, s-wipe! YOU'LL PAY FO' DIS! BAH GAD YOU'LL PAY FO' THISH!"
— Wakefield when punched
"My fist equals your face! You ready?! FIGHT, COWARD!"
— Gord when about to attack
"Punch is stored in the fist, THE FIST!"
— Gord when about to Falcon punch someone

Personality and traits[]

Wakefield comes across as very arrogant and self-satisfied, but never undone. His favourite topic of conversation is himself, and he also enjoys verbally cutting down other people. This extends to brutal fights he watches, where he claims he could do better than the two fighters, but when he ends up losing fights, he makes up excuses (or truths in actuality) as why he didn't win. He verbally cuts down on Jimmy Hopkins very often about various reasons, mainly where he is on the social radar and whatever Gary Smith said about him. He mumbles and brags about being a good kisser because he "practised for years" on his own arm, dik and belly, and that any girl who wishes to be his "must suck so much that she can't speak", showing further evidence of his crude or better yet; cruel arrogance. He is often confused with Ivan Alexander as they have a similar appearance minus the clothes and both have the same leader.

Gordon appears to be motivated to do well in his classes, although he doesn't get along with the English teacher Lionel Galloway, who gives him B's and BS. He claims he's being recruited to work for the American Army.


  • His report card grades, as sometimes seen, are the following:
    • Art: D
    • Science: C
    • English: B-
    • History: A
    • Math: B+
    • Biology: C
    • Chemistry: D
    • Geography: A
    • Music: B+
    • Photography: C-
    • Shop: D-
    • Home Economics: C

