Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Goran Milovich, is property of Billy cougar.

Goran Milovich
Nickname(s) Gorr, Goron, Gorazd, Milo, Witch
Appears in Grand Theft Auto IV (mentioned)
Rank Former veteran of the Yugoslav wars, rank unknown
Affiliations Fifteen Man Squad, Yugoslavian Army, Niko Bellic, Florian Cravic, Darko Braznev
Status Deceased
Killed By Albanian mob
Birth Unknown, October, 1973, Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavia and other countries), Europe
Death Around 1990's or early 2000's during the Yugoslav wars
Voice Actor None
"We were friends, but I had other friends! Friends that Goran and his guys killed. My fahking neighbours!"
Darko Braznev giving his reasons for betraying his Squad

Goran Gorazd Milovich was a soldier during the Yugoslav Wars and a member of the same fifteen man squad Niko Bellic, Florian Cravic, Darko Braznev, Mijo, Dragan and Dmitar were a part of from Grand Theft Auto: IV. During the mission "That Special Someone" in which Bellic had finally come to the realisation that Darko was the traitor all along, Braznev mentions that "Goran and his guys" (most likely Mijo and Dmitar) had killed Darko's darn neighbours. This could have been a supporting factor to Darko's eventual betrayal of the squad to the Albanians along with the need of money to support his heroin addictions.

Goran is in fact never seen in the game and is only a mentioned character.
