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This article, Giuseppe Russo, is property of Billy cougar.

Giuseppe Russo
Giuseppe Russo
Biographical information
Real name Giuseppe Anthony Russo
Also known as Giu, Russ, Russo, 'seppe, Corleone traitor
Nationality Flag of Italy.svg Italian
Age 31
Status Deceased
Birthplace Sicily, Italy, Europe
Cause of death/incarceration Shot by Palermo police
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Mediterranean
Height 5'8
Weight 67kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci icon Stracci Family (former), Corleone crest Corleone Family, Leo Grossi Regime (former)
Enemies Straccis, Palermo police department
Occupation(s) Stracci soldier, Corleone mole
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather: Control of France City
Voiced by (English) Ralph Peduto
"Cowards without loyalty do not deserve to live."
— Russo saying an ironic quote, considering he is a rat himself

Giuseppe Anthony Russo was a traitorous, if not particularly ignorant soldato who worked for Capo Leo Grossi, before his betrayal to the Corleone Family.


Once a sailor in the Italian Navy, Giuseppe and his brothers shortly came to France after Giuseppe escaped the police in Italy. As Big Bobby Toro was assigned to be transported to the France City Penitentiary in 2011/11 AH for his own safety, Russo ratted this information out to Al Neri who in turn put a bounty on his head for Charlie Trapani and Russo was accepted in the Corleone Family as their newest mole.


Shortly after, Toro's head was blown to bits by Trapani's Street Sweeper. About three years later Johnathan Cadimius finally found out Russo had betray the Stracci Family and was send to Palermo, Italy on Corleone orders. While there, he was chased around town by the Palermo police, and after about half an hour, he was killed. Rumours have it Cadimius dispatched and told the police where Russo was hiding.
