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This article, Gianni Corcesse, is property of Billy cougar.

Gianni Corcesse
Corcesse family
Gianni is the one with blue shirt, standing next to the Afro.
Biographical information
Also known as Mr. Gianni, Don Corcesse, Corcheese, Giann
Nationality Italian-American flag Italian-American
Born 19th of June, 1974
Died 5th of March, 2010
Age 35
Status Deceased
Birthplace Bronx, New York, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'9
Weight 68kg
Blood type A
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Corcesse Family
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Don of Corcesse Family, pathetic excuse for a mobster
Notable family members Larry Corcesse (younger brother)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) None

Don Gianni Corcesse was the head of the Corcesse Family.


Gianni was the head of one of New York's crime families. He initially gained his support from younger brother Larry Corcesse, whom he encouraged to enter the prostitution market. When Belloq Gang was consumed by the O'Neille Family while in New York, Gianni knew he was next in line to be killed, but his assassination attempt three months later by Sam Ricky, John O'Storkway and Rafaelo Farrucci failed.

Although being enemies with the Olovyanov Family, Gianni was the first to step up to their heroin connection, and swore he would not betray them and would even team up with them to defeat the mighty O'Neilles. After he got his support from Giacollo Forletti, he did not assist Olovyanovs during Giacollo's failed assassination attempt on their underboss Victor Sergeev due to their rivalry and due to being an ally of Giacollo's family.

After Gianni's even younger brother, Giovanni Corcesse was killed by the O'Neilles, Corcesse Family went to war with the rival family, but was losing miserably day after day.


On 5 March 2010, Gianni was killed by Olovyanov capo and next-in-line to become Underboss Dmitri Puchovyk with a lead Pipe. The Corcesse family then became lost and forgotten and are barely remembered to this day.
