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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, George Sheffield, is property of Billy cougar.

George Sheffield
Biographical information
Real name George Swanson Sheffield
Also known as Sheff, George fuacking Washington, fuking pussy, puss, lawyer, fuaking lawyer
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 8th of October, 1976/34 BH
Died 10th of August, 2010/10 AH
Age 33
Status Deceased
Birthplace Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Cause of death/incarceration Neck snapped by Tony Montana
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity White/Caucasian
Height 5'11
Weight 69kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Montana Gang (former), Tony Montana (former), Gaspar Gomez, Alejandro Sausage, Pixie D., Sheffield's Gang
Enemies Tone Montana
Occupation(s) Lawyer of Montana Gang (former), Sausage's Army lawyer
Goals Get rid of Tony Montana, work for Sausage forever (both failed)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy
Main appearance(s) (Movies) Scarface (1983)
Voiced by (English) James Woods
Portrayed by Gregg Henry
"Fuk me in the ass."
— Sheff's last words

George Sheffield was Tony Montana's corrupt lawyer who, in a deleted scene, shows Tony bribing Sheffield which explains how he became Tony's lawyer.

He is also first serving a role as Tony's valuable ally and drug suggester in the game but he later betrays Tone and starts working as a lawyer for Alejandro Sausage and Gaspar Gomez.


In the movie, he's depicted as the greatest, but greediest lawyer in Miami. Three months after Tony's mansion was raided by Sausage's militia, Tony goes to the Babylon club to meet with Sheffield and ask him to become his lawyer again. Sheffield agrees only to a higher cost and Tony at the end has no other choice but to agree. Later, one of Sheffield's associates, Itchy Stein, calls Tony and says that he has news of his ex-wife, Elvira Hancock. Tony quickly goes to meet with him though he tries to kill him with the help of Freedomtown rednecks, but Tony gets the upper hand and kills Stein and the rednecks in return. Tony then adds Sheffield to his hitlist. Sheffield is at the end of the game seen at Sausage's mansion meeting with Alejandro Sausage and Gaspar Gomez, who they both betrayed Tony too, but Tony arrives soon after and starts killing Sheffield's Gang. Once Tony corners Sheffield, Sheff had a chance of shooting him with his Bazooka, but Sheffield instead pleads for his life and accuses Tony of being on drugs which explains why he's being so crazy, though that only gets Tony even angrier. Tony then breaks his neck and taunts his dead corpse (This is my law AND world, George!). He is a supporting enemy character in the game Scarface: The World is Yours.

