Made up Characters Wiki

On 14 AH, a big, BIG war started between the GTA and FNAF fanons. Boli'ta.

The reason was simple as taking a third grader's lunch money with some threats: "Which game out of these two is the best ?" Why only these two? Well, let's say that Abortnite and Undertale have long been thrown under the bus and only these two stayed.

GTA was strong at first. Hell, the franchise looked almost unbeatable, really.

Scott Cowturd on the other hand, the nutzi creator of the FNAF, was weak.

Scott was all alone in his basement in Oregon and he asked Léna Tutchenko online to help him. From out of nowhere (Oooohhh! OUT OF NOWHERE! Out of fuaking nowhere!) After Scotty and Lena had a bit of a chat, Scott said that he could ensure all of the FNAF robots he had could join Lena's side, but warned that Lena really must use her connections with the North Redwood Video Game company to make sure the FNAF franchise really wins.

She said she will and then she went with the toy robots into California to meet with the leader there, Joseph Redwood.

Using his genius propaganda techniques to make the animatronics look godlike, the tables had turned.

GTA became so weak, losing the Redwood's favour.

FNAF became too strong for 'em and on 30 November, 23 AH, GTA fuaking surrendered and FNAF won! As we all know it would.

GTA fans were then put into either Goro's dungeon, the Well of Hatred, the Wrathful Prison or the Church of Sorrows on Orinion, where they are still tortured to this day! Those who survived, anyway.

FNAF robots were paid their share.

Scott Cawthon was so proud of his friend robots and his fanbase and gave them all a cake.

Léna became the FNAF Queen/Leader of FNAF on 11 April, 23 AH.

GTA lost and the FNAF... Won :) !

