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This article, Frankie Malone VS Kitana - Rap Battle 16, is property of Billy cougar.

Frankie Malone VS Kitana
Frankie Malone posterVsKitana MKVSDC
Biographical information
Nationality Irish-Italian Irish-Italian (Malone), Edenian kamidogu she is from Edenia (Kitana)
Born 1972 (Malone), 6 AC (Kitana)
Age 38 (Malone), 2022 (Kitana)
Status Deceased (Malone), alive (Kitana)
Physical description
Eye colour Blue (Malone) brown (Kitana)
Hair colour Brown (Malone), black (Kitana)
Height 5'7 (Malone), 5'10 (Kitana)
Weight 62kg (Malone), 79kg (Kitana)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Corleone Family, Charlie Trapani, Marty Malone, Stracci Family (Former), Giuseppe Li-Hong (Former) (Malone), Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shao Kahn (Former), Jade, Raiden, Kabal, Sindel (Kitana)
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game (Malone), Mortal Kombat series (Kitana)
Voiced by (English) Jennifer Copping (Malone), Katalin Zamiar, Dashie XP, S.G. Willie, Karen Strassman (Kitana)

Frankie Malone VS Kitana is the sixteenth installment of EERB and the fifth episode of Season 2. It features the Edenian princess, Kitana, rapping against famous mob girl and Stracci and Corleone whore, Frances Malone. It was released on May 7th, 2012.


Frankie Malone (1st Verse):[]

Whose rap flow's the dopest? Frankie Malone'ses!

Overthrow pharaohs who opposed me like Mojzes!

You could never kick my s, so kiss my clitoris!

This ugly hag and KassemG got matching noises!

Kitana (1st Verse):[]

You better hold more than your skirt, miss, please.

I'm the Princess feat'a Dania, so just bow down to me!

Plus, you got so much experience down on your knees.

Married a writer, but I don't even think you can read!

You'll sleep with any ugly dude who says he likes it hot!

Even Joe DiMaggio took a swing in your batter's box!

I'm a descendant of the Gods; don't anger me, trick!

You'll lose this battle like your bout with barbiturates!

Frankie Malone (2nd Verse):[]

I've had some ugly boys, but you're forgetting the others:

Vito Corleone and the Trapanis, while you fuak your own brothers!

You think you're so chic up in your fancy palace?

Gettin' low on Mark Antony, tossing caesar's salad.

You wear too much eyeline for anyone to adore you.

You might as well be working the door at Sephora!

I got an s that won't quit; you had an s that got bit, on the tit!

Somebody wrap this biatch back up in a carpet!

Kitana (2nd Verse):[]

You still got no children after your third marriage!

You lost so many babies, we should call you Miss Carriage!

You got an hourglass figure, but that's about it!

I candle in the wind and I can't act for sith!

Frankie Malone (3rd Verse):[]

Translate this into hieroglyphs:

Your sandy vagina has a seven year itch!

My best friends are diamonds; you can't beat me! Quit trippin',

And step off and walk your s home like an Egyptian!

