Flapjack is a young boy who looks like a lil' teacup, short and staut! There is his handle, there is his stout! When he gets all steamed up, hear him shout! Pour the fuaker over and spill him out! Flappy goes on epic adventures with a blue jerk named Cap'n K'nuckles, who's his bestest friend in the whole wide world. Or just Canada. He also makes a lot of strange noises, like some disabled child.
He was born somewhere on the ocean and was found by a blue whale named Bubbie, who adopted him as her own son. Her own... sun! She raised him all alone in her smelly mouth until Flapjack was 8 years old, where they met the crusty old (then) sailor, K'nuckles, who would later become a Capitan. The man then told Flapjack about a place called Candied Island, an island full of nuffin butt candies, which instantly began Flapjack's fixation on adventure, sweets, sweats and Candied Island, much to Bubbie's disappointment, who hated K'nuckles' cratsy adventures and wanted Flappy safe af.
- "Adventure, that's the life for me! FOR ME!"
- "All greased up and ready to enter, Bubby!"
- "Hi Bubbie! What's the word, my whaley mother?"
- "I love you..." (to K'nuckles, like a lil' gayboy)
- "Hey friend! What's cookin'?"
- "I don't lobe you, Sally Syrup!"
- "Oh boy! Adventures!"
- "Don't leave me, Bubby!"