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This article, Fabriano Santrini & Son, is property of Billy cougar.

Fabriano Santrini & Son
Fabrinio and son
The Godfather Games
Corleones VS Straccis
New Town, France City, Europe
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Singleplayer, Multiplayer
Console Codename (PC)
Fabriano and Son
Singleplayer Map
In New Town
"Fabriano Santrini and his own Son. Hah, It'll be a piece o' cake, fella, trust me."
— Corleone mobster to a newcomer

A butcher shop run by Fabriano Santrini, this business was feared due to Santrini's reputation as the 'Butcher of New Town', who sell his cleaver knives to Stracci Family as a weapon. Upstairs, cardshark and Fabriano's son Benny the Boat ran a gambling operation which was seen as pretty lightweight by the family, but was maintained in order to maintain good relations with Straccis.

In 2011, the Corleone family made a move on New Town, and Santrinis were beaten up and taken over by Charlie Trapani.

Known employees[]
