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This article, Exotics, is property of Billy cougar.

The Exotics are a key mechanic in Scarface: The World is Yours, and they're unlocked once Tony Montana reopens his bank account.

Each purchased exotic awards the player with reputation points, and once a certain amount of points is gathered, the player will level up. This is required to progress through the game and unlock parts of the storyline and fronts, not to mention, most exotics have a use of cars and boats. They also have a use for henchmen and investments which unlock special bonuses. Montana's Mansion decorations, furniture and unique collectables are a bit different for their use can be purely aesthetic, comedic, or used as objects that the player could use in The Sims. The player may customise the mansion with them but can't use them for anything else outside of mansion stuff. Mansion interiors are also considered exotics.


Exotic Info Price Reputation points given
Driver The driver allows you to call for a car in Miami or Cayman Islands. You can choose driver missions from the business page. $15,000 11,000
Boat Pilot The Boat Pilot enables you to call for any boat you own when near the water. $40,000 60,000
Arms dealer The Arms dealer enables you to buy weapons over your phone or listen to heavy metal music. Weapons are delivered to your weapon locker and the trunk of your car. $15,000 37,000
Enforcer The Enforcer comes with his own grenade launcher. You can choose Enforcer missions from the business page. $30,000 40,000
Assassin The Assassin can do your dirty and sexual work for you. You can choose assassin missions from her very own business page. $200,000 100,000


Exotic Info Price Reputation points given
QM Cadillac A yellow, almost golden-looking Cadillac with leopard seats Free 100
Bandit ST A cool-looking Bandit ST, looking like he has tattoos or some crap $10,000 2,400
Orient YV A black Orient, looking like a Frenchman's wet dream $12,000 3,000
Street Limo Call for your limo, then select your destination and relax in style. Very useful for getting to and from your mansion. $250,000 20,000
GPV Offroad Jeep A white GPV Jeep with yellow sits and greenish poles. $14,000 1,000
Santa Monica A Cadillac-looking car with another leopard skin named after the district in California $15,000 2,000
Monterey Shark A dark red Monterey, almost cherry-like, with an open roof $24,000 3,000
Caballo El Ray A truckish fast car named after Josef Caballo, the famous Mexican horse $16,000 1,500
Lakota Flashback A black Lakota with red stripes $40,000 1,500
Mojave A blue, turquoise-like and white Mojave with large wheels and quite the trunk where one can stash his junk $28,000 5,000
Tomahawk SS An orange Tomahawk with black stripes and 4 front lights $18,000 5,000
SD Mercedes A black Mercedes $45,000 20,000
Diaz Lightning A red and white car stolen from the Diaz Brothers, now all yours $25,000 25,000
Dolphin A grey Dolphin's whose doors open up to the sky $50,000 40,000
Conick N29 A dark blue Conick, not to be mistaken with the Dolphin plus his doors open normally $70,000 20,000
Ambassador A white Bentley-S Type limo, seen at the beginning of the game $180,000 140,000
Ferrari A red Ferrari with its famous horse logo $190,000 60,000
Panther A dark green, olive-like panther whose front looks like an actual panther $80,000 45,000
Brahma An armoured bank truck which you can use to drive around stolen goods, unseen $120,000 55,000
Bacinari A yellow Bacinari whose doors also open up $460,000 240,000
Pumah A brown Puma, similar to the Flashback $65,000 100,000
Stampede An army jeep $200,000 150,000
Riddler A Cobra Shelby-like car who is fast af $3,000,000 400,000
Albatross A turquoise-like old school coupe whose doors open up and has red sits $675,000 250,000
Ariel MK Montana A red openwheeler named specifically for Mr. Montana $1,200,000 290,000
Odin VH88 An industrial truck named after the Nordic god and stolen from Ryan Burmeister $160,000 50,000
Whiskey Ghost This one of a kind, gold-plated antique limo was once owned by Charlie Trapani. It is irreplaceable, m8 $10,000,000 2,000,000
MPD Cruiser A police cruiser $200,000 200,000
Bulldozer A bulldozer stolen from the Industrial Zone from Kent $250,000 100,000
Bodog Stampede The army jeep with a deadly weapon on top of it's roof, a gambling type $8,000,000 400,000


Exotic Info Price Reputation points given
Powerboat A regular powerboat which changes colours with each blow Free 100
Jet Boat A fast boat $10,000 4,600
Picklefork A boat in style of a fuaking picklefork $53,000 25,000
Wooden Trickmaster A wooden boat owned by the same guy who made the Lambo car $35,000 45,000
Floatplane Call for your floatplane, then select your destination and relax in style. Very useful for getting to and from the islands. $350,000 60,000
Cigarette Boat A large boat used by the Colombians to smuggle fags $160,000 180,000
Attack Boat A boat on which your henchman is tougher than average $35,000 30,000
Fan Boat A small boat with a fan, good for the swamp $600,890 1
Sports Fishing Boat A bigger fishing boat, also used in sports $350,000 120,000
Racing Boat A fast-as boat, but it only features one seat and even that one is underwater $750,000 250,000
Cigarette Gun Boat The same fag boat only with better weaponry and cooler colours $1,000,000 250,000
Yacht A large-as yacht with an extra small boat if it ever gets damaged $4,000,000 1,000,000


Exotic Info Price Reputation points given
Original Restore the mansion to its original, classic look. $25,000 47,000
Modern Change the look of the mansion, includes a tiger rug, bunch of palms and a pet shark in a tank. $400,000 100,000
Gothic Change the look of the mansion, includes golden stuff and looks medieval as straight out from 15th century. $400,000 300,000

Unique Collectables[]

Exotic Price Reputation points given Info
Manny's remains. $8,000 10,000 Tony can pray at it.
Alenka Montana's remains. $8,000 19,000 Tony can pray at it.
Modern Art $147,000 90,000 Tony can view it.
Amogus Space Suit $1,000,000 750,000 Tony can wear it.
Outworld Gold $1,600,000 450,000 Tony can sell it to buy stuff.
Shao Kahn's Armour $2,000,000 1,000,000 Tony can wear it.
Easter Island Head $16,000,000 2,000,000 Tony can view it.
Apollo Space Shuttle with a portrait of Apollo Creed $20,000,000 2,500,000 Tony can use it to fly to space or get free tickets to Apollo Creed's memorial boxing matches.
Azazel's Sarcophagus $28,000,000 4,000,000 Tony can sleep in it or invoke Azazel for chatter.
The Liberty Bell $22,000,000 3,000,000 Tony can ring it to summon his henchmen.
Crystal Diamond $26,000,000 3,000,000 Tony can view it.


Exotic Price Reputation points given Notes
Liquor Cabinet $7,000 8,000 Tony can drink from it.
Wooden Chair $2,000 1,000 Montana can sit on it.
Redwood Cigarettes Co.'s Cigar Stand $4,000 5,000 Tony can smoke a cigar from it.
Jukebox $3,000 4,000 It does play music.
Big-butt TV $55,000 45,000 Tony can watch it, especially the KSN which shows Earth Wrasslin' Federation.
Foot Machine $2,500 3,000 Tony can use it to message his feet.
Liquor Display $4,500 5,000 Tony can drink from it.
Antique Comfy Throne $41,000 20,000 Tony can sit on it.
Drink Machine $2,000 4,000 Tony can drink from it.
Beer Cooler $1,000 2,000 Tone can drink from it.
Grand Piano $120,000 50,000 Tony can play it, or hire someone to play Beethoven on it.
Humidor Wardrobe $80,000 68,000 Tony can store stuff in it, like drugs and clothes.
Phone Booth $2,000 5,000 Very hard to position it and use it, as the cable is cut.
Marble Bench $15,000 12,000 Tony can sit on it.
Redwood Chair $35,000 40,000 Montana may sit on it.
Slot Machine $6,000 10,000 It's fully playable.
Arbogastt Lounge $450,000 250,000 Montana may sit or lay on it.
Video Poker $8,000 5,000 It's fully playable and charged.


Exotic Price Reputation points given Information
Pelican Statue $700 2,000 Tony can view it.
Bong $2,000 1,000 Tony can smoke from it.
Stuffed Tiger $24,500 60,000 Tony can sit on it or view it.
Weed Fern $500 2,000 Tony can smoke it.
Vintage Wine (probably Dixmor's) $8,000 11,000 Tony can drink it.
Golden Tanya Statue $10,000 5,000 Montana can view it or jerk off to it.
Palm $3,000 1,000 Tony can view or grow it.
Golden Tanya Bust $15,000 19,000 Tony can view it or jerk off to it.
Cook Guy $4,000 6,000 Tony can order him to make pizza or other food for him.
Solid Gold Pelican $120,000 68,000 Tony can view it.
Giant Whiskey Bottle $85,000 120,000 Tony can drink from it and then fall out cold.
Flowers $1,000 2,000 Montana can water or smell them.
Whiskey Fountain $300,000 600,000 Tony can drink from it and fall out cold.
Solid Gold Bust of Tanya $1,000,000 350,000 Tony can view it or fap to it.
Exotic Palm $11,000 5,000 Tony can grow it.
Genuine Ming Vase $1,000,000 1,555,000 Tony can sell it or view it.
Hell's Mummy $450,000 550,000 Tony can wake it and the Mummy'll go on a rampage against Montana's enemies. Can also be send back to Hades.
Solid Gold Tiger $3,000,000 2,550,000 Viewable.


Exotic Info Price Reputation points given
Montana Records Unlocks new music tracks and creates a new playlist and gives you a new car key. $100,000 61,000
Montana Holdings Fronts will cost you 10% less to purchase. $2,000,000 40,000
Montana Fitness All of your henchmen can go to the gym 26 times a day. $1,500,000 200,000
Montana Productions Unlocks all of Tony's clothing options in the cheat menu. $1,200,000 443,000
Montana Legal MPD will never try to arrest Tony (cops look the other way and give you donuts). $40,000,000 700,000
Montana Sports Maximum bets go up for all your gambling and u get a higher chance of winning. $20,000,000 2,000,000
Montana Financial Lander all of your cash with 0% interest. $50,000,000 3,000,000
Montana Defence Carry an extra weapon and maximum ammunition and even a tank. $60,000,000 5,000,000