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This article, Ettore Barzini, is property of Billy cougar.

Ettore Barzini
Biographical information
Real name Eduardo-Ereso Francis Barzini
Also known as Ettore, Torr, Rich guy
Nationality France flag French
Born 15th of August, 1965
Died 27th of November, 2011
Age 46
Status Deceased
Birthplace Calais, France, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Blonde, black (in other timelines)
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'2
Weight 79 kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Barzini Family
Enemies Corleone Family, Charlie Trapani
Occupation(s) Tycoon, investor
Notable family members Emilio Barzini (older brother), Carla Barzini (sister), Francesco Barzini (father), Antonia Barzini (mother), Victor Barzini (nephew), Viani Barzini (daughter), Deadly Ed Barzini (cousin), Roberto Barzini (son), Emilio Barzini III (nephew), Diamond Tiara (niece), Norman Barzini (nephew), Laura Barzini (sister-in-law), Enzo Barzini (nephew), Umberto Toro (nephew), Bobby Toro (brother-in-law)
Goals Get richer and help other Barzinis rule France (failed, succeeded for sometime)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Damian King

Ettore Barzini was the younger brother of Emilio Barzini and a minor villain in The Godfather Game who was killed in 2011 during Charlie Trapani's takeover of the Barzini Mansion.


Along with his brother, Ettore held a high position in Giuseppe Mariposa's organisation. However, when his brother decided to betray their boss, Ettore followed suit.

It is not known what position, if any, he held in the Barzini Family. He could have been head of one of the legitimate businesses his brother had control over as well as having a high-ranking position in the organisation, but not amongst the ranks.

He had two children, Viani and Roberto.

He was killed during the take over of Barzini Mansion.

