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This article, Elsa Schneider, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Elsa Schneider
Biographical information
Also known as Miss Schneider, Miss Elsa, Dr. Schneider
Nationality Austria flag Austrian
Born Early 1910's
Age ?
Status Deceased
Birthplace Vienna, Austria, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Blond
Ethnicity Aryan
Height 5'7 (around 175 cm)
Weight 147 (67 kg)
Blood type B-
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Don Walter Donovan, Colombo family, Henry Jones Sr. (former), Indiana Jones
Enemies Rivals of the Colomboss and Donovans, Henry Sr.
Occupation(s) Archeologist, art historian, mob associate
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (I and II)

Elsa Schneider was born in the early 1910's in Vienna, Austria, the same place Leopold Strauss was born in. She graduated from college with honours in 1932, being one of the top students and fled to the United States of America after Olaf Tutchenko's rise to power in Germany the following year. She made residence in New York City where she was an archaeologist and art historian. Around 1934, Elsa became an associate of the Colombo crime family, which was the fifth most powerful Italian-American Mafia syndicate of NYC. She met their top lieutenant named Ernesto Caprione who was sent by the boss aka Don to find someone who could help them strive for success, seeing as they were in the last place within NYC’s Cosa Nostra pecking order. She agreed to help them out whenever they needed it and was paid a great amount of money. In 1935, she had also established connections to an Irish-American mob boss named Walter Donovan who was a mutual friend of the Colombo crime family. If the Donovan Gang or Colombo crime family ever wanted to rob a museum, they knew exactly who to call. In 1938, both gangs set up a heist of the Holy Grail. Walter Donovan met a guy named Henry Jones Sr. who was an expert in Grail folklore and even kept a diary of it. He told him to help him find the artifact, knowing his enthusiasm with it. Unaware of the organized crime connection to the project, Henry was partnered with Elsa and flown near the border of Austria and Germany. As they searched for clues to the Grail's whereabouts, Elsa seduced Henry. However, it became apparent to Henry that Elsa was an associate of the Irish Mob and Italian Mafia when he heard her discuss them in her sleep. Henry managed to leave the hotel in which they were staying but was stopped by Ernesto Caprione and other Colombo crime family members. They took him to a mostly abandoned castle where he was held hostage. Following the loss of the elder Jones, Walter turned to the Henry’s son, Henry Jones Jr. aka Dr. Indiana Jones, for his unwitting assistance to help both gangs uncover the Holy Grail. After some discussions through telephones, Elsa was told to go to Venice, Italy in order to wait for Indiana Jones and Marcus Brody in order to make the whole setup look legitimate.
