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This article, Elio Nunziato, is property of Billy cougar.

Elio Nunziato
Elio Nunziato
Biographical information
Real name Elio Franco Nunziato
Also known as Elio, Alien, Nun, Elioto, El, Eli, Eliot
Nationality French-American flag French-American
Age 41
Status Deceased
Birthplace Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Cause of death/incarceration Shot in the head by Joey Zasa
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity White
Height 5'9
Weight 71kg
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci Family, Corleone Family
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Stracci Don, club owner
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather: Control of France City
Voiced by (English) John Cygan
"And we will always remember, that being a Stracci makes you powerful, yeah."
— Elio at the money meeting

Elio Nunziato was the Don of the Stracci Family during 2011 and 2013.


Following the murder of William Stracci, Nunziato (his secondary lawyer) replaced him as Don. Unlike William, Nunziato was calm and collected, very rarely becoming angry or violent.

As boss, Nunziato had an incredible resemblance to Phillip Cuneo, so much so that many believed he was Phillip's adopted son. Nunziato was present at the Commission meeting when Tom Hagen was arrested, and later oversaw Don Barzini's secret meeting with Alberto La Ruso which had been orchestrated in order to lure Michael Corleone into a trap. However, in 2013, Elio was in the Palazzo Azzurro in Vatican City, giving speeches how awesome Stracci family is and taking his 50 million dollars. However, as he was about to say that they got all the power again, he was shoot in the head by Corleone traitor, Joey Zasa and the O'Neilles. After his death, 3 seconds later, almost all other dons were shot, and Johnny Corleone became the new boss.
