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This article, Eileen Medicine, is property of Billy cougar.

Eileen Medicine
Eileen Medicine
Biographical information
Real name Eileen Claricce Medicine
Also known as Ell, Elliey, Medicine, Eileen, Hotel owner
Nationality France flag French
Born 13th of December, 1984/16 BH
Age 40
Status Alive
Birthplace Old Town, France City, France, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-French
Height 5'7
Weight 58kg
Blood type A-
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Barzini icon Barzini Family, Corleone crest Corleone Family, Victor Barzini, Fortunato Regime (all former), Flippy poster Horrible Army
Enemies Abigail Peppercorn
Occupation(s) Hotel owner
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Games
Voiced by (English) Cynthia Marcucci (no coochie)
"I'm sur' this friendship is worth a fortune."
— Eileen to Charlie

Eileen Medicine is the owner of Hotel Medicine in Mid Town and a minor character in The Godfather Game and The Godfather: Control of France City.


During the rise of the Barzini Family in 8 AH, Eileen was forced to pay tribute to Willy the Pimp, who opened a disco nightclub on the third floor of her hotel. The hotel also served as the office to several high ranking members of the Barzini family, including Emilio Barzini's own son.

In 11 AH, either after or before Victor Barzini had been taken hostage, Eileen's Hotel was taken over by Charlie Trapani and the Corleones.

In 15 AH however, Eileen's hotel was taken over back by the Barzinis who Eileen was more than happy to serve, especially ever since Victor was rescued.

Around 23 AH, Eileen was forced to share her allegiance to Viktor Horrible, after he convinced Don Scarface to sell him over the hotel.


  • It is know she had a crush on Victor Barzini, despite the latter being homosexual.
  • She is one of the few old hotel owners to appear in The Godfather: Control of France City.
  • She can sometimes be seen walking around the Old Town streets. Even if you kill her during her walk, it will not be considered canon to the plot as it wasn't and isn't.

