Eeri0 (Ee-ree-Oh) is one of the Four Dishka of the Extragalactic Nation whom arrived at Mercury after Kjatow's death in order to prevent Svatjacanzoloca from taking pointless revenge against humanity.
Eeri0 is a no-nonsense, collected, and intellectual individual. It is also capable of sympathy as it arrived to comfort its uncle after Kjatow's death but also in an effort to prevent him from seeking vengeance against the Humanity as it didn't want Svatjacanzoloca to lose sight of his objective.
Eeri0 arrived in the Solar System in order to comfort its uncle while stating that it will not be calling assistance to the war as it believed that Svatjacanzoloca didn't need assistance. Due to its position; the Adelaide Union, Second Warsaw Pact, and the Middle Eastern Coalition ordered their forces to stay away from Eeri0 and threaten them with execution if they tried to attack the Dishk.