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This article, Edward Seymour II, is property of Demon Redwood.

Edward Seymour the Second
Edward Seymour
Biographical information
Real name Edward Peter Henry Seymour II
Also known as Mr. Teacher, teach, Sey, jerk, Good guy, torturer, Punishmenter, Mr. Punishment, Eddie, Secretary, Sub-Prinsipal Ed, Stud-muffin, The Muffin Man, Golden medallist, glasses boi, rich guy Ed
Nationality British-American flag British-American
Born 12th of March, 1976/24 BH
Age 47
Status Alive
Birthplace Manchester, England, United Kingdom, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity White Anglo-Saxon-Caucasian
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 172 lbs (78 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Dixmor Academy faculty, Preppies, Justin Roberts Sr., his social media fans
Enemies Greasers, Winston Atticus, most students in general
Occupation(s) Sub/Vice Principal, sex icon, conspiracy theorist, wrestling referee
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Ryan King
"Bloody hell, I'm so amazing I should be the Principal, Superintendent and owner of this school all at once!"
— Edward II when walking around campus

Edward Seymour II is a supporting character in Bully and the sub-principal at Dixmor Academy, working under Justin Roberts Sr. directly along with Tamara Danvers.

Role in game[]

Edward can be found walking around the school campus and around the classrooms plus the principal's office but plays no significant role in any mission despite his rank. He can be seen in a cutscene in the sub-mission "Get to Class", telling Jimmy Hopkins and Gary Smith to "get to class" while he dismisses the Preppies, telling them that they can wait a few more minutes before going to class, he'll cover them.

Despite being the Sub-principal, basically the right-hand of Dr. Justin Roberts Sr., he is a lot less of a suck-up than his secretary, Tamara Danvers and wears the same outfit as additional teachers.

Personality & traits[]

Edward is one of the many characters profiled on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc and he also has OnlyFans. Most of the Preps in the Dixmor Academy have him added and Dr. Roberts himself follows him on OnlyFans. On FB, he explains that Dixmor's is his family's fav school and that's why he chosen to work in it. It is also stated that he is a member of the Bullworth Sailing & Yacht club and actually owns 2 yacths. This, combined with his arrogant attitude and alliance to the Preps in the game itself, suggests that he is quite rich. On Twitter, he explained how he loves the office work and serving Roberts Sr., but slips up by describing students as "victims", suggesting he loves bustin' the crap out of them and usually calls their parents for even slightest mishbehaviour.

Edward is indeed an enthusiastic disciplinarian and a wannabe dictator: he freely admits to taking a certain pleasure in "screwing with the punks", and also admits to be using the Vice Principal's computer for porn and video games. He also claims that "This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me! Almost." when chasing after mishbehaving students. Otherwise, he seems more self-absorbed than anything else and is probably the most arrogant of the faculty. He can periodically be heard randomly blurting and burping out his various accomplishments, most notably his silver medal obtained for being the second best baskteball player in his league. He also has numerous sport trophies, owns at least four statues of himself, owns a large painting of Raul Marina himself and has won a golden medal for being the best referee once in a wrestling match between Marshall's Law and Hwoarang. He suffers from asthma, and possibly STD's as well. He considers himself to be a "Stud-muffin", and he is often heard talking about rashes or itches "down there", on his dik and ballsak. He apparently banged both: Mrs. Papkova and Amanda Quincy. He loves hot dogs, sausages in general, avocados and despises the greaseballs and Winston Atticus, but apparently has a liking for Williams' Gang. What's left of it anyway.

Edward isn't servile to Dr. Roberts as much as Tamara Danvers is, and takes his job less seriously than he's suppose to, watching for hours and hours pornography on the school's comp, conspiracy theories or just rants on YT about how lame everything is. It's quite possible he only got the job due to his wealthy influence he has on Roberts and is possibly way more rich than him, but despite his quotes, he seems too lazy to really have the stomach of running the entire school, only tasteless and overconfident desires.

Edward is familiar with pop culture, talking about topics such as Dream's speedrunning of Minecraft, The Rock winning the World Heavyweight Championship, Evan McGregor's KO records, the NWO, the Dixmor Dynasty printing US money and making it more worthless by the day, David Icke's Saurian/Reptilian delusions, Ronaldo being better than Messy, the Bigfoot and that porn video where Amber Rayne spanked a co-actor rumoured be surnamed Sosa and about her porn movies.


  • Edward owns many glasses: black, gold, red, pure wooden, silver and plastic. He also owns at least 13 ties and has 3 self-made thrones, like Richard Dawkins.
  • For some reason, he wears the same outfit as the additional teachers, implying he might have been one before becoming the Vice Principal.