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This article, Edgar Rose's Journal, is property of Billy cougar.

If you are looking for the character's entry infos, click here: Revolver Bios. Note that the page contains info of the OG Revolver folk as well.

Edgar Rose's Journal is an interface item in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition that contains information about the game and other important stuff.


Edgar Rose's Journal is accessed from the main menu of the game. The Journal contains detailed information on every character, location and weapon in the game, all adding up to 365 pages total. The title page heading is "Journal of Edgar Rose".

A small number of pages are available from the start of the game. Players can unlock more pages by purchasing items from shopkeepers, completing missions in story mode and Bonus Mode, and playing Showdown Mode.


The Journal!


Edgar Rose's Journal is divided into the following sections. The table for each section lists journal pages and the means of unlocking them. In some cases a page may be unlocked either by an accomplishment or by an item. In these cases, both methods are listed.


The section heading on page 2 is "Heroes of the Wild West." Page 3 is titled "Legends" and shows images of the five heroes from this section.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
4-7 Jack Marston Available at start of game - -
8-13 Leg Johnson After completing the mission "The Hunt for Guard Dig" - -
14-17 Boonie MacFarlane Available at start of game - -
18-21 Nastas Good rating on "Bear Mountains" - -
22-23 Landon Ricketts Good rating on "Indian Hills" - -

Side Arms[]

The index of this section is on page 24. Page 25 shows a collage of images. Each page is unlocked by acquiring the weapon featured on that page. See the individual weapon articles for details on when and where they can be acquired.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
26-27 Old Pistol Available at start of game
28-29 Cattleman Revolver Purchase or acquire weapon $100
30-31 Scots Revolver Purchase or acquire weapon - $800
32-33 Semi-automatic Pistol Purchase or acquire weapon $2000
34-35 Le'Mate Good rating on "Fall from Balcony" - -
36-37 Double-action Revolver Acquire weapon
38-39 Mauser Pistol Acquire weapon - -
40-41 High Power Pistol (this weapon makes you high) Acquire weapon - -

Long Weapons[]

The index of this section is on page 42-43. Each page is unlocked by acquiring the weapon featured on that page. See the individual weapon articles for details on when and where they can be acquired.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
44-45 Evans Reptile Player starts "Bonus Mode" with it - -
46-47 Reptile Rifle Purchase or acquire weapon - $3000
50-51 Henry Reptile Acquire weapon - -
52-53 Bayonet Rifle Acquire weapon - -
54-55 Rancher's Reptile Purchase or acquire weapon - -
56-57 Double-barrel Shotgun Purchase or acquire weapon - $220
58-59 Double-action Shotgun Purchase or acquire weapon - $750
60-61 Pump-action Shotgun Purchase or acquire weapon - $675
62-63 Sawn-off Shotgun Purchase or acquire weapon - -
64-65 Explosive Rifle Acquire weapon - -

Throwing Weapons[]

The index of this section is on page 68. Page 69 features a drawing of the four thrown weapons labelled "Projectiles". Each page is unlocked by acquiring the weapon featured on that page. See the individual weapon articles for details on when and where they can be acquired.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
70-71 Fire Bottle Purchase weapon First available during "The Black Cemetery" -
72-73 Mushroom Oil Purchase weapon First available during "Jail Escape" -
74-75 Dynamite Purchase weapon First available during "The Hunt for Guard Dig" -
76-77 Knife Purchase or acquire weapon First available during "Twin Rocks" -

Ugly Chris' Gang[]

The index of this section is on page 78. Page 79 features a picture of the gang.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
80-81 "Ugly" Chris Good rating on "Silver Town" - -
82-83 Michael Reese Available at start of game - -
84-85 Gus Ballard Available at start of game - -
86-87 Verner Corn Available at start of game - -
88-89 Bo Scrantom Available at the start of game - -

Basset's Miners[]

The index of this section is on page 90. Page 91 features a picture of the miners posing for a duel troupe titled "Wade Basset's Miners".

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
92-93 Guy Percival Purchase from Saloon after "Devils and Angels" Bloody Skull $50
94-95 Harvard Coskie (spelt as Naked Miner) Purchase from Gunsmith after "Silver's Night Town" Lamp $35
96-97 Mickey Conway Purchase from Gunsmith after "Silver's Night Town" or
Shop at the start of "The Black Cemetery"
Hillbilly Stove $1450
98-99 Roscol Duffly Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Lighter $50
100-101 Guard Dig Excellent rating on "The Hunt for Guard Dig" or
Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town"
Pigs Feet $900
102-103 Wade Basset Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Monocle $666
104-105 Harlan Forbers Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Napoleon $900

Wanted Dead or Alive[]

The index of this section is on pages 106-107.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
108-109 Bread Purchase from General Store after "The Train" Sun Umbrella $50
110-111 Cesar Higueras Purchase from Thurlow Reese during "Twin Rocks" Ruined Poncho $6
112-113 Cooper Good rating on "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" or
Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer"
114-115 Norman Deek Purchase at start of "The Train Cart" Holy Bible
116-117 Stinky Miner Complete "The Hunt for Seth Brains" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase at start of "The Black Cemetery"
Dirty Shovel $780
118-119 Bill Williamson Purchase from Gunsmith after "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Hammer and Anvil $40
120-121 Irvin Pennick Purchase from Tailor after "The Train" Belt Buckle $50
122-123 Quinn Malloy Purchase from General Store after "The Train" Gun Holster $35
124-125 Abraham Mars Purchase from Tailor after "Devils and Angels" Sombrero $50
126-127 Benito Pengarzara Purchase at start of "Twin Rocks" or
from Saloon after "The Train"
Whiskey Bottle $19
128-129 Hassun Complete "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer"
Bloody Rock $600
130-131 Hestor Frith Excellent rating on "The Mine" or
Purchase from Tailor
Red Bandana $550
132-133 Link Huston Complete "MacFarlane's Ranch" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase at start of "End of the Line"
Black Bandana $500
134-135 Helaku Excellent rating on "Bear Mountains" or
Purchase at start of "End of the Line"
Christmas Tree $650
136-137 Woody Sunshine Complete "Silver Town" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer"
Old Pipe $500
138-139 Sid Winkler Complete "Saloon Fight" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase at General Store
Towel $50
142-143 Dutch van der Linde Excellent rating on "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" or
Purchase from General Store after "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde"
Harmonica $1400
144-145 Walton Lowe Good rating on "Twin Rocks" or
Purchase from Tailor after "The Train"
Bloody Clothes
146-147 Willie Bollard Good rating on "Saloon Fight" or
Purchase from at the beginning of "End of the Line"
Broken Glass -
148-149 Rufus Higbee Excellent rating on "Twin Rocks" or
Purchase from General Store after "Twin Rocks"
Stethoscope 750$ -
150-151 Dan Pister Purchase from General Store after "The Train" Bed Roll $50
152-153 Charlie Mash Excellent rating on "MacFarlane's Ranch" or
Purchase at start of "End of the Line"
Branding Iron $700
154-155 Moses Forth Purchase at General Store Tombstone $700
156-157 Moe van Barr Purchase at start of "Silver Town" Shovel $13
158-159 Julias Grimes Purchase at start of "The Black Cemetery" Dirty Lasso $50
160-161 Seth Brains Excellent rating on "The Hunt for Seth Brains" or
Purchase at start of "The Black Cemetery"
162-163 Rico Pedrosa Excellent rating on "The Train" or
Purchase from General Store after "The Train"
Woman Photo
164-165 Roberto Pedrosa Purchase from General Store after "The Train" Book $40
166-167 Rufus Bollard Excellent rating on "Bar Fight" or
Purchase from Tailor after "Devils and Angels"
Beard Comb $800

Mexican Army[]

The index of this section is on pages 168-169.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
170-171 Javier Escuella Purchase from Tailor after "The Hunt for Seth Brains" Mexican Cavalry Boots $50
172-173 Captain Espizona Excellent rating on "Fort Mercer"
174-175 Agustin Allende Excellent rating on "Devils and Angels" or
Purchase from Tailor after "Devils and Angels"
General's Stripes $2000
176-177 Lt. Carriedo Purchase from General Store after "Devils and Angels" Gold Watch $50
178-179 Pvt. Carlitos Borrego Purchase from Tailor after "Devils and Angels" Military Boots $50
180-181 Pvt. Degmuzan Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer" Gold Fillings $50
182-183 Major Zubieta Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer" Keys $50
184-185 Wilfredo Arrabal Purchase from General Store after "Devils and Angels" Stew Pot $50

Marston Family[]

The index of this section is on page 186. Page 187 features some images from Jack's past.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
188-189 Abigail Marston Complete "Beecher's Hope" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase at start of "The Black Cemetery"
Wedding Rope $500
190-191 John Marston Purchase from General Store after "Devils and Angels" Pan $1800
192-193 John Marston Jr. Purchase at the beginning of "Black Cemetery" Sand Painting 2000$

The Forest People[]

The index of this section is on pages 194-195.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
196-197 Indian Gang Purchase at start of "The Black Cemetery" Mask $50
198-199 Old Man Purchase from Saloon after "The Hunt for Seth Brains" Broken Glasses $30
200-201 Shadow Wolf Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer" Indian Necklace $50
202-203 Thurlow Reese Complete "Twin Rocks" on Bonus Mode or
Purchase from Thurlow Reese at start of "Twin Rocks"
Open Sign $760
204-205 Dewey Greenwood Purchase from Saloon after "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Wooden Spoon $50
206-207 Shelby Bancroft Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer" White Flag $50
208-209 Brumas the Bear Purchase at start of "Fort Mercer" Dreamcatcher $500
210-211 Wade Fuckcard Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Cookie Bag $50
212-213 Laura Fortuna Purchase from skeleton during "Jail Escape" Horseshoe $1050
214-215 Shadow Wolf's Gang Purchase from General Store after "Devils and Angels" Wolf Necklace $50
216-217 Rj Peart Purchase at start of "The Train Cart" Family Photo $650

Good and ungood people of Gold Town[]

The index of this section is on pages 218-219.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
220-221 Abigail Peppercorn Purchase from General Store after "The hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Soup Ladle $50
222-223 Ada Hibbs Purchase from Saloon after "Silver's Night Town" Drink Tray $50
224-225 Alicia Thayer Available at start of game - -
226-227 Flind Krmp Purchase from Tailor after "The hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Silver Crucifix $50
228-229 Jody Purchase from General Store after "The Train" Pencil and Notepad $50
230-231 Lily Shelton Purchase from Tailor after "The hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Bouquet $50
232-233 Iron Shelton Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Fallen Teeth $500
234-235 Ralph Anderson Purchase it from the Tailor after "The hunt for Seth Brains" Hand Dildo $100
236-237 Willie Lesster Purchase from General Store after "The hunt for Seth Brains" Spurs $50
238-239 Eva Crenshaw Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Makeup Kit $30
240-241 Lewis Shelton Purchase from Gunsmith after "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Cord of Wood $50

Contestants in the Battle Royale[]

The index of this section is on page 242. Page 243 shows an advertisement for the contest titled "Fastdraw Contest" with the subheading "Test your metal!".

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
244-245 Oscar Navarro Excellent rating on "Indian Hills" or
Purchase from Saloon after "The Train"
Ornate Bottle $500
246-247 Chameleon Wolfe Purchase from Tailor after "Silver's Night Town" Handkerchief $50
248-249 Mr. Kelley (spelled as Kelly) Excellent rating on "Battle Final" - -

Employees of Gold Town[]

The index of this section is on page 250. Pictures of each merchant are on page 251.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
252-253 Baxter Deoton Purchase from General Store after "The hunt for Seth Brains" Sold Sign $30
254-255 Doctor Cyril Purvirs Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town" Wedding Ring $50
256-257 E.H. Katscmar Purchase from Tailor after "The Train" Old Pipe $50
258-259 Milord Weaver Purchase from General Store after "The hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Cloth $50
260-261 Manny Wide Complete "Bear Mountains" on Bonus Mode - -
262-263 Bank Operator Purchase at start of "The Black Semetery" Ledger $50
264-265 Norris Laskey Purchase from General Store after "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" Abacus $50
266-267 Joseph Scrantom Purchase from General Store after "Devils and Angels" Broom and Tray $50

American Army[]

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
270-271 Nate Johnson Excellent rating on "Fall from Balcony" or
Purchase from Bank after "Devils and Angels"
Deed to Mine $2500
272-273 Edgar Rose Excellent rating on "The Backyard" or
Purchase from General Store after "Silver's Night Town"
France City Photo $600
274-275 Tall Trees Guard Purchase at start of "Black Cemetery" Mailman Hat $50
276-277 Pvt. Federick Littleshield Purchase from Tailor after "Devils and Angels" Garrote Wire $75
278-279 Nick Funtz Purchase at start of "Black Cametery" Lion's Hair $50
280-281 Randolph Knox Complete "The Train" on Bonus or
Purchase from General Store after "Devils and Angels"
Journal $500
282-283 The U.S. Marshals Purchase from General Store after "The Hunt for Seth Brains" Cernobil Picture $50

Legendary Places[]

The index of this section is on pages 284-285. Each page is unlocked by visiting the place depicted on the page, generally by completing a chapter in that location.

Pages Topic How/where to unlock Unlocking item Cost
286-291 Beecher's Hope Complete the chapter "Beecher's Hope" level - -
292-293 Twin Rucks Complete the chapter "Twin Rocks" - -
294-295 Silver Town Complete the chapter "Silver Town" - -
296-299 Fuck's Atlantic train Complete the chapter "The Train Cart" - -
300-301 Gold Town Start the chapter "The hunt for Guard Dig" - -
302-305 Black Town Complete the chapter "The hunt for Seth Brains" - -
306-307 Red Grass Complete the chapter "The hunt for Guard Dig" - -
308-309 Silver's Night Town Complete the chapter "Silver's Night Town" - -
310-311 Boonie's Ranch Complete the chapter "MacFarlane's Ranch" - -
312-313 Gold Town Saloon Complete the chapter "Bar Fight" - -
314-315 Ramita de la Baya Complete the chapter "Battle on the Bridge" - -
316-317 Spider's Quarry Complete the chapter "The hunt for Dutch van der Linde" - -
318-319 Bear Mountains Complete the chapter "Bear Mountains" - -
320-321 The Mine Complete the chapter "Jail Escape" - -
322-323 Fort Mercer Complete the chapter "Fort Mercer" - -
324-325 Allende's Train Complete the chapter "End of the Line" - -
326-327 The Mansion Complete the chapter "The Backyard" - -

Frontier Battles[]

This section contains player statistics for up to six player profiles.


  • There are number of discrepancies between the character's names in the journal and those in the game manual and end credits. Harvard Coskie, for example is just referred to as "Naked Miner" while Mr. Kelley's name is spelt without the second "e" (Mr Kelly).