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This article, Edenian Ruins, is property of Billy cougar.

Edenian Ruins
Edenian krater
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Steven VS Daegon, Jarek VS Reiko, numerous fighters
Edenian Southlands, Edenia, Multiverse Federation
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Konquest, versus
Console Codename (PC)
The Edenian Crater
Singleplayer Map

The Edenian Ruins is an ancient location in the planet of Edenia, which serves as a combat arena for many people.


This ancient overlook was built by the worshippers of the protector God of Edenia known as Argus, the father of Rain, Steven and Daegon. It is located outside a crater within the Edenian Southlands. This temple-like arena, along with its mystically enchanted archway, acts as a trigger to raise the great Pyramid of Argus at the time of the coming Armageddon.

Steven succeeded in defeating his brother here in combat and marches forward to face Blaze atop the pyramid during final battle to become Protector of Edenia and a full god. He fails this, however, and Shao Kahn is the true winner of Armageddon which in turn creates the current timeline after he kills Raiden in the original one.

