Edd, real name Eddwardo, is a minor character in the American Crime Tales series who appears as the bus driver in The American Dream. He has no voice actor but his motion capture was done by actor Peter Ingamore, who has voiced and motion captured several characters in the series.
Edd was the driver for Blackwoods State Prison near Evergreen City. On March 27, 2003, he along with Axel and Maxwell Hughes were assigned to transport prisoners, Earl McCreary, MacGruder, Sutton, Bickle, and Abrams to the prison. During the prison break, Sutton stabbed Hughes in an attempt to escape, and after this, Sutton got into a fight with Axel who had pulled out a shotgun. During the fight, Edd was shot in the back of the head after and Sutton was then shot by Axel with a shotgun in the face. The bus then crashed shortly afterwards and Edd's body was thrown out of the window for worms to feast on.