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This article, Duncan, is property of ParadoxTheDelirium.

Duncan Tetzloff is a minor character in Bully, and a good friend of Otto Tyler and Jerry.

Biographical information
Real name Duncan Tetzloff
Also known as Dun, Can, D, Dunc, Tet, Small townie, dropout, Loff
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 10th of November, 1990
Died 16th of November, 2017
Age 16 (as of the events of Bully) 27 (at death)
Status Deceased
Birthplace Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Deathplace Los Angeles, California, USA
Cause of death/incarceration Fell into the dam of Los Angeles and drowned
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight 130 lbs (59 kg)
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Townies, Jerry, Otto Tyler, Leon
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Townie member
Notable family members None
Goals Pack some rats (succeeded)

prevent Jimmy from getting to Edgar Munsen (failed), unknown

Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Adam Tetzloff
"Hey! Do you know about Grottos or gremlins or Groots? It's about killing and taking their stuffs."
— Duncan in the mission "Townie Challenge"

Role in Game[]

Duncan is one of the characters in the mission "Balls of Snow", not steel, along with Clint Henry. On the start of chapter 5, he participate in some missions, in the mission "Townie Challenge" specifically. He is seen chatting with Otto Tyler and Jerry about Groots and gremlins. In the mission "Preppies Vandalised", he is helping Leon pack some rats to release upon the Dixmor Academy. In the mission "Busting in Part 2", he is one of the guarding Townies before Omar Romero and Edgar Munsen. In the final mission, he can be seen hanging outside with Gurney and Edgar Munsen at the Dixmor's, but later got replaced with Otto Tyler when he came back from gambling.


In the game Duncan can swim, but somewhat when he grew up (and outside of the game), he forgot how to swim so he fell into a dam and drowned in Los Angeles in California, 6 days after his birthday in 2017. Presumably, he drowned in the same dam where Cole Phelps drowned on duty at least 40 years before. Maybe Clown ITself brought him down there.

Personality and Traits[]

Duncan is a fantasy enthusiast. He likes to play Grottos, Grottos and Gremlins because you can "kill things and take their stuff". He apparently lives a physically active life and has a wild imagination. He has an interest in extreme biking, but admits that he's not particularly skilled on a bike. He's broken into buildings before, including the Girls' Dorm on the school, and claims to have broken his collarbone three times. He aspires to look like a barbarian, and when fighting, claims to be a black ninja or Martin Krpan. He has an odd habit of mumbling when he says goodbye to others. Several lines of dialogue suggest that he may participate in recreational drug use and also stocks some bullets for and blueprints of the school. He is an asthmatic and uses an inhaler without which his precious life ends. When being swirlied, he claims that he can't swim, altho he can swim apparently in-game.

It's possible that he may have been a nerd before becoming a townie due to his love for Grottos or Groots and Gremlins, maybe.

He formerly attended Dixmor Academy, but dropped out due to the bullying at the hands of Northrop's gang. Various dialogue indicates that he may have been the kid who Davis White bullied to the point of him dropping out of school and it is revealed that das true & das rye. During the game, he is tougher and a much better fighter than Davis, but he could have been bullied when he was younger and smaller. He still complains bitterly if he's bullied, however he regrets dropping out of school and is very vocal about it.

Duncan is bisexual and will accept gifts from and kisses Jimmy Hopkins, but he also likes to try and impress girls as well. His stunt of breaking into the girls' Dorm was for this reason which failed miserably, he seemed like a creep.

He appears to be friends with Leon. The two appear working together in a few different missions.


  • Duncan is the youngest of the Townies, and the smallest.
  • Davis bullied him before dropping out. Last seen, he was much tougher than Davis and better and smashed his as.